Vampire Shu kurenai X Human Reader

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A white headed vampire was lazily dancing in a party bored out of his mind. Girls surrounding him flirting with and trying to seduced him. Suddenly he smell a very delecious and sweet scent making his mouth water and him gulp he can feel his fangs geeting longer. His mouth watering so much that his saliva is dripping on his chin and into the floor. He have to cover his mouth and nose to stop his saliva which only slow it down because its still dripping.

He then quickly go to the bathroom surprising the people around him of his inhumanly speed. When he got to the bathroom he quickly looked around, it also didin't help that his already red eyes is glowing intensely making it obvious that his not a human. Thank fully noone was around in the bathroom, he quikly locked the door and wash his face then looked at his face.

He grunted before drying his face and fixing his hair, he dicided to find that sweet smell. It was the most intoxicating scent that he ever smell. He wonder what would that person's blood tasted like.

Suddenly he hear a nocked on the boys room , he got up and unlocked the door meeting with a pair of blue eyes.

"Shu!!!!!! i was worried about you, you suddenly leave, Rantaro and the others are all so worried about you, why did you leave though?" his human childhood bestfriend, Valt asked worry noticable on his voice. Valt new shu was a vampire and so the rest of their friend they promise to keep it a secret.

"O-oh valt i wasn't expecting you to be here, and i leave because i don't feel very well right now hahaha........" the albino replied scratching the back his head.

"Oh! okay if you want to go back home i cam come with you" valt say with a big grin

"Eh thank you valt but i think im okay now lets just enjoy the party while it still last" shu said with darken eyes


He was actually going to find the scent that attrack him.

"Oh okat but if you have a problem dont be shy to said it to me!" the blunnete said making Shu smiled, happy he have someone to trust and have someone the lean on when he needed one.

"Hmm....thanks valt" The white vampire said.


As shu was trying to find the scent (Because he lose smell of it earlier) he suddenly smell it, it's so strong making his mouth water again. The smell lead him outside of party where he saw a group of mix boys and girls there are 3 boys and 4 girls making it 7 but what attrack his attention the most was a one particular girl.

Words can't describe how beautiful she is she's pretty hot, breath taking, dead drop gorgeous. He sniff making his eyes widen because the smell was directly coming from the girl. As the group walked not noticing shu's precence shu silently follow them, until they all broke apart saying their going home. As the girl shu was intirested go to her home still not noticing shu, shu made sure to remember her house no. and where it is.


It was midnight and the girl is peacefully sleeping while in the dark corner of her room a pair of red eyes is watching her. Suddenly the red eyes disappear appearing beside her on the bed. Taking her smell shu can't help but lustfully stared at the innocent woman, her smell so intoxicating irging him the suck her blood then and there. Not wasting any moments shu lashed at her neck and sink his fangs in her soft amd smooth flesh making her whimper in discomfort and pain. The moments shu taste the girl's blood make his body shot with electricity and satisfaction. He quitly moan while sucking her blood it take all of his will to seperate his mouth from the girl flesh but he managed though he doesnt have a plan to kill the attractive woman. After he stop sucking her blood shu lick the mark he make and quikly leave using the window but......................

He forgot to close the window.................

Shu kurenai x reader One shotWhere stories live. Discover now