I walked back into the hospital, I couldn't be outside with Tobias and Clyde fighting like they were, I was mainly worried about Kennedy. "Miss." I turned around to see one of the nurses that wheeled Kennedy into another room earlier. "Yes?" I asked.

"I didn't catch your name the first time."

"Crystal James, My friend's Kennedy Wilson."

The nurse nodded. "Okay, yes, about your friend, Kennedy." I was dreading the news, what if he did die and I have to tell Clyde, god, Tobias would need a body bag after Clyde was done with him, I was scared of what she was going to say.  "He's doing good." She replied, I felt the weight that was on my shoulders come off. "May I see him?"

"Of course, you can.' She replied, She lead me into a room where Kennedy was; He was awake. "I'll let you two alone." She said as she walked out of the room. I looked over at Kennedy, his arms were bandaged again. I felt tears burn in my eyes, while a smile came across my face. "You can come over, I'm not going to hurt you." 

"Yeah, Well, I kinda shouldn't."

'Why's that?"

"I broke your heart, Made you want to end your life for the third time," I replied, looking at him.  "I kissed your best friend, well, he kissed me."

"And?" Kennedy asked, "You weren't the reason why I tried to commit again, it was Tobias that made me do it, I was hurt by him, very much, he hasn't been good to me."  I felt bad that the reason why Kennedy tried to commit was because of Tobias. "Unlike you." He reached out for my hand. "You treated me like a human, you tell me I'm a good guy and any girl would want me, I appreciate you very much." I blushed a little. "You always knew what to say to make me feel better about myself." I knew that was true, I always did know what to say to make him smile or laugh, he was such a nice guy, he didn't deserve anything he has been thrown.

"How're your arms?"

"Hurt, they hurt very much." He replied, looking down at them. "They put bandages on my thighs too."

"Oh, I see."  I replied, "I wish I could take away your pain." I started crying, at this point, I was sitting next to his bed, where he touched my face with his hand, wiping my tears away. "It's okay, Crystal, don't cry, I'm alive." 

"I know but you're in pain, I wish I could take it away from you or switch you places." 

"Crystal, look at me, it's okay, I'm alive, aren't I?"

I nodded, looking at him. "You're too pretty to cry, it's okay." I couldn't believe what he just said to me. "Wasn't I suppose to say that?"

"No, You're fine, Thank you, Kennedy, thank you for completing me." 

"No problem," he replies. "Maybe, when I get out of here, maybe, you and I could go on a little date."  I blushed. "Oh, I would love that." I smiled and laughed a little. "That would be nice." He smiled warmly. "You were right."

"On what?"

"It doesn't matter."

I smiled, not saying a word to him. "Well, I better get going here." 

"No, Stay, I want you to stay." He said, "I don't want to be alone." I stayed put. "Stay here until Clyde comes or Felix, I would like them to be in here too but with you as well."

"What about Tobias?"

"He can go away." Kennedy replied, "I don't want him around me currently."

"Well, Clyde beat him up." Kennedy couldn't believe what just came out of my mouth. "Are you for real right now?"

"Yes," I answered back. "Clyde was really worried about you, I was too and so was Felix." 

"I bet." He said, looking at me. "I'm sorry."


"Still being alive."

"Kennedy, Don't say stuff like that." I informed, "I'm glad to see you alive and well, which means more nice conversations we can have over coffee."

"Yeah, conversations and coffee." Kennedy said, "How we always had conversations with coffee." I laughed a little at his joke.
"The only way we could." I replied, "I loved our conversations, all of our conversations, actually." He turned his head to look at me.
"Me too, Crystal, Me too."   It was nice to know him and I were on the same page on what we were wanting to do when he got out of the hospital.

"But Kennedy, can you do me something?"
"What is it, Crystal?"
"Promise me, you won't hurt yourself anymore."
"I promise." I was glad to hear those words come from him for sure. "I'll do it for you, Crystal." He answered back, I felt his hand get closer to mine, where our hands met and we locked fingers. "I'll try to heal fast." He said, "So, we can go on that date."
I smiled at him, while I looked down at his hand, it had an IV in it, I was just so happy he was going to be alright. The door opened.
"Kennedy!" I turned around to see Clyde running towards Kennedy's bed, hugging him.
"I'm so glad you're okay."
"Hey, there's no need to cry, I'm alright."
Felix looked at me. "So, the nurse let you guys by yourselves?" He asked, I blushed when he asked that question, he knew that I liked Kennedy, so, Felix always teased me when people would leave the two of us alone together. "Yeah, why?"
"Just wondering." Felix said, laughing a little.

"What happened to your face, Clyde?" I asked, his face was bloody, well his nose was all bloody

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"What happened to your face, Clyde?" I asked, his face was bloody, well his nose was all bloody.  "Tobias." My friend replied with.  "Ouch."
"Yeah, tell me about it, but I threw the first punch." He informed, proudly. "That's my boy." I replied, we both laughed. "How do you feel?"
"Sore, just sore from all the stitches that had to be restitched." I said, "Tired from all the pain drugs they have me hooked up to."
Clyde laughed. "Well, I'm glad I still have you, Kennedy."
"I'm glad to hear."  I said. Clyde looked down at the ground before he began to talk again.   "I really thought we were going to lose you this time."
"Because Of how deep you cut yourself this time around."
I took a deep breath before I continued. "You will never ever lose me."
"I wasn't planning on it." Clyde said, we both laughed. " I'm just glad I could come up here today."
"Same here, I'm glad to see you again, Clyde."
"Yeah, I'm the one who did Cpr on you while Crystal, Felix, Tobias and I waited for the paramedics showed up."
"Thank you." I said to him,"Thank you for saving my life."
"You're very welcome." He replied, "I mean, I have done it before, not once but twice, now three times."

"I'm glad you did." I looked over at Crystal who was talking to Felix.
"Because I still have a chance with her."Clyde looked over at her and Felix. "Somebody's in love." I punched his arm while he laughed. "I guess you can say that."
"Ouch, that hurt!" He yelled, not loud though. We both started to laugh.

"What did you guys do?"
"He hit me." Clyde informed, while he held his arm, Felix couldn't hold in his laughter, Crystal couldn't either.

"What are we going to do with you two."

"I don't know."  I informed, where we all had a good laugh.

I'm really glad I got another chance at life.

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