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Unedited sorry xx


"What's behind the door?" I ask smiling as a maid hands me the tea I asked for.

"There are a lot of doors here, malysh. Be specific" Ivan replies dryly turning the page of some random documents.

"The one room on this floor I can't go in?" I offer.

He glances up at me.


"So why is it locked?"

"Safety precautions"

"Your bedroom doesn't have a lock, mine doesn't the bathrooms don't, this office doesn't have a lock so why that room?" I push.

I've always wanted to go in.

It's spooky.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does"

"It's just a storage room, malysh, nothing special is there"

"Can I go inside?"

"No" he says harshly.


"Because I said so, now out I'm working"

"I'm bored Ivan there is nothing to do here"

"Go out and do something then"

I huff and get up.

I step out and glance down the hallway at the door.

I WILL get inside.

I close Ivan's office and walk towards the door.

"Elle?" I jump and my favourite body guard Elliot stands behind me.


"Someone's on the phone for you"

"Oh okay" I say walking downstairs.

A maid hands me some old fashion phone and I hold it to my ear.


"¡Ah, entonces ella está viva! simplemente decidió casarse con el hombre más peligroso del mundo y no decirnos ni invitarnos a la maldita boda."

(Oh, then she's alive! She simply decided to marry the most dangerous man in the world and not tell us or invite us to the damn wedding!)

I smile immediately, my brother, Phoenix.

God I missed him.

"Y Matteo también está aquí preguntándose qué está pasando, hermana."

(And Matteo is also here wondering what's going on, sister.)

I hear a grunt and guess it's my other brother Matteo.

"¿Qué estás sordo? ¡Cuéntanos qué está pasando, regresamos y mamá y papá dijeron que estabas en Estados Unidos con tu esposo!"

(What are you deaf? Tell us what's going on, we're back and mom and dad said you were in the United States with your husband!)

I laugh into the phone.

"No tengo permitido decírtelo pero lo haré ya que nadie aquí habla español gracias a Dios ahora puedo sentirme inteligente ya que todos me juzgan por no saber ruso." I smirk looking around.

(I am not allowed to tell you but I will do it since no one here speaks Spanish thank God now I can feel intelligent since everyone judges me for not knowing Russian.)

Elliot looks confused looking at me and the two maids are staring at me whispering.

"I don't care how you feel explain!" Matteo says in English.

I roll my eyes.

"Papá perdió todo este dinero con la mafia irlandesa porque es un idiota y trató de pedir un favor a la mafia rusa e Iván dijo que tomaría una novia, así que mamá y papá me enviaron con él. ha sido intenso" i explain.

(Dad lost all this money with the Irish mafia because he is an idiot and tried to ask the Russian mafia a favour and Ivan said he would take a girlfriend, so mom and dad sent me with him. It has been intense)

"Ni siquiera he oído hablar de la mafia irlandesa. ¿Te lastimó a ti, tu marido?" Phoenix says into the phone.

(I haven't even heard of the Irish mafia. Did your husband hurt you?)

I nod in agreement.

"No he doesn't, he's good to me when he's not being arrogant" I say giving Elliot a thumbs up.

He nods at me.

"Lo investigaremos, ven a España pronto hermana, ¡Fénix está comprometida!" Matteo says and I jump from happiness.

(We will investigate it, come to Spain soon sister, Phoenix is engaged!!)

Elliot looks alarmed.




"YAY I WILL MAKE SURE- para visitar pronto" i whisper the last part in case Elliot is a snitch.

I hang up and smile at Elliot.

"Your family?"

"Yes ahah my brother has gotten engaged"

"Good for him"

I nod in agreement and walk up stairs.

As soon as the coast is clear I run into the hallway.

I glance and see Ivan's office empty.

I run for the door I wanted to get into and try and fiddle with my Bobby pin.

Doesn't work.

I remember the card trick and use it to pry open the door.

I open it and step inside.

It's pitch black, I flick a switch on and the room jumps to life.

It's empty.

Grey walls.

Grey floor.

Except. In the middle of the room there's a box.

I walk forward and open it.

It's full of photos?

I pic up a few, some of Ivan and friends.

Ivan and his mother, she's beautiful.

Ivan and his dad.

The whole family together for Christmas.

Ivan as a baby.

I'm smiling delighted at a peak into his life when I come across a photo.

Of me.

Except it's taken of me at some random bar.

I look closer and recognise it was at a part I went to 3 years ago.

I'm smiling into the camera.

I look at the other photograph and it's one of me and..Ivan?

I'm lying on the floor starfish position and he'd standing over me with a thumbs up to the camera.

We've met?

But that's impossible.

Does he know me?


I turn around and see Ivan standing there.

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