Shopping trip

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I believe it's day 7 of living here and I am extremely bored.

I have however made some vast improvements.

For one I added my gold decorations.

I've noticed nearly everything in this house is black and it's painful. So I've been adding gold touches here and there to spicen up the rooms.

I have no idea how Ivan feels about it because I have not seen him.

He's broken his rules of we have to eat together at least once.

I'm not upset I'm glad I don't have to see him.

For some reason every time I find myself in his presence I feel like I can't breathe.

It's infuriating.

I've also sat in the fountain now for 3 hours throughout the days.

One of these days I'm going to develop hypothermia.

"Um..sir?" I ask the guards.

He stares at me.


I pause.

I need to get my shit together.

It doesn't matter if I'm shy or nervous or scared.

They can't know that.

Your the most dangerous mafia leader in the worlds wife start acting like it.

And stop acting like you don't know how to kill someone Elle.

"I am going out. And since I need to be accompanied I'll give you 5 minutes to get your shit and then we're going to the mall." I say, calmly with slight warning in my voice.

"Yes ma'am"

I nod and walk out front.

4 minutes later he joins me outside and I climb into the car.

We get there within 20 minutes and I climb out putting my shades on.

"Are you to come with? Or wait?" I ask the man.

I properly stare at him.

He's blonde icy blue eyes about 6'0 and in his later 20s, 30 at a PUSH.

"You walk, I'll walk behind you" he says.

I smile and walk off.

I go into all my favourite stores and look what I have in my wallet!

Ivan's card.

I actually didn't even mean to take it but it's here now.

Might as well.

I walk into a channel store and pick up these gorgeous diamond earrings and a purse.

I give her my card and she nods at me smiling.

"Is that everything?"

"Hmm I don't know what would you suggest?"

"Well we just got these new shoes in they are beautiful"

She shows me a pair of black, glossed high heels but where the heel is there's a row of pearls.

Like I'm walking on a little pearl tower.

"Okay I love them, I'll get those"

The woman blinks slowly.

"These are $5000"

"Okay awesome I'll get them"

Her mouth opens slightly and then she hands them to me.

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