Heist Gone Wrong

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Here's the 2nd chapter of my version of the Bad Guys. So far so good. I'm still safe, which I love to see. Hopefully, it'll stay that way.

The Bad Guys drove off to a dirt road under a couple of bridges. They drove inside a large pipe as they got to an elevator. The Bad Guys were sitting on top of the car with Piranha eating a burrito and Owl eating a candy bar. When the elevator door opened, it revealed all the things they stole. Stacks of money and gold, diamonds, valuable artifacts, bags of money, and priceless paintings. Including the Mona Lisa. Shark cleared off the table for Wolf to put the birthday cake on as the Bad Guys sat down.

"All right, Piranha and Owl, you're up." Wolf said as Piranha and Owl got on the table and started singing.

"Oh...Happy bir..." Piranha and Owl sang until Snake blew off the candles with a bored expression.

Piranha gasped.

"Are you kidding me?" Owl said in an angry tone.

"Seriously?" Tarantula asked.

"Snake, come on. At least make a toast." Wolf said as he grabbed his cup.

Snake groaned.

"Toast! Come on! Come on." The Bad Guys said to Snake as they grabbed a cup.

"Okay, okay. All right. A toast. Fine." Snake said as he grabbed his cup.

"I've made a lot of enemies in my time-- I mean, a lot-- but out of all the people in the world, I hate you guys the least." Snake said.

"Aw." Tarantula said.

"That was actually kind of beautiful." Piranha said as he wiped a tear.

"I know, I'm going to cry." Owl said as she pulled out a tissue and blew her beak.

"You're a poet, man." Shark said in sadness.

"To Mr. Snake and his strange dislike of birthdays." Wolf said as they all raised their cups.

"Yay!" Tarantula cheered.

They all clinked their cups together as they got close together for a picture.

"Everyone say, 'Robbery.'" Wolf said.

"Robbery." The Bad Guys said except Snake as he frowned, with Owl pointing two feathers over his head, making him have bunny ears.

"(Chuckle) Oh. Look at those dimples." Wolf said as Snake grabbed the photo.

"Happy birthday, buddy." Wolf said with a smile.

"Okay. Now, dig in, fellas." Snake said.

"Yes!" Piranha and Owl yelled as they munched on the cake like crazy Hyenas.

"Piranha!" Tarantula yelled in anger.

"Owl!" Wolf yelled in anger.

"Oh, that's so good!" Owl said.

"Don't do that." Wolf said sternly as Snake slithered to the fridge to hang the picture up with the rest of the photos they'd taken together.

"That was so gross." Tarantula said in disgust.

"That was my lunch!" Shark said in sadness.

"You snooze you lose." Piranha said as Tarantula laughed.

"You both like that." Wolf said as Owl and Piranha chuckled.

Snake opened the fridge to see a Push Pop.

"Nice." Snake said as he grabbed the Push Pop.

"Ooh, wow. I forgot we had those Push Pops. Man, my tummy is rumbling like a Kraken right now." Shark said.

The Bad Guys (My Version)Where stories live. Discover now