Talks & Threatening

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"Theo can we talk?" Lilli whispered while the others were talking.

"Ye of course" He nodded and followed her to her dorm.

"What's up?" He asked "I can get into people's mind, anyone can with enough practice" She explained "Okay?" Theo sounded confused "But I was thinking. If I can get into someone's head. Does that mean I can access their memorys?" Lilli continued 

"What are you thinking?" Theo tilted his head "If I can get into Harry's head I can figure out what they're planning" Lilli explained "we already know Voldemorts plan, we just need the other side" "Ye okay, how can I help?" Theo nodded "We need to get into Dumbledores office he has a weird memory bowl in there, so I can practice" 

The two of them cast an invisibility spell and headed to the dead headmasters office. Luckily Snape hadn't got a chance to change it to much and the bowl was still there. But when the two of then entered the room they were met by Harry already stood at the bowl.

"Fuck sake" she whispered "Go in" Theo whispered back "What?"

"Try go into the memory and change it or something" Theo pushed her forward.

Lilli went over to the bowl and put her two hands on the side. She whispered something under her breath and when she opened her eyes she was in a large court room.

Harry was revisiting a man's court trial. A memory he had already visited before.

Lilli snuck into the crowd and sat down before taking the invisibility spell off.

"Rosier, Evan Rosier" The man in the cage shouted. Lilli clapped a hand over her mouth to stop her gasping audibly.

"Evan Rosier is dead" The ministry man shouted. Lilli recognised the ministry man, he killed Astoria. She wanted to jump at him and stab him in the throat but she knew it wouldn't do anything. She watched as the man's face dropped. 

"Okay okay, Severus Snape" The man continued. Lilli watched as Dumbledore stood up and fought against the claim. 

"Crouch" The man grinned maliciously "Barty Crouch Jr" 

Lilli's eyes widened as she watched a man get up from the crowd and begin running. He shouted at the main ministry man. His father. Multiple men were trying to restrain him. As this happened Harry who was also visiting the memory looked up at the crowd and his eyes met with Lilli's.

'Perfect' she thought to herself.

She smirked and sent him a small wave. Before flipping her hair and disappearing. She exited the memory and quickly re-cast the invisibility spell. She looked around the room and saw some dust move in the corner. She walked toward it and felt for Theo. When she found him she grabbed his hand and the two stood silently as Harry came back. 

"What the fuck" Harry whispered to himself before rushing out of the room. 

"What did you do" Theo chuckled.

"Let's just follow him" Lilli pulled Theo out of the room and the two of them tailed Harry. He entered the Gryffindoor common room and sat down next to Ron and Hermoine.

"Guys" He whispered "I revisited the Barty Crouch memory and I noticed something I never did before" He said in a panicked voice. "What was it" Ron lowered his voice to match Harry's.

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