Movie night.

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The woman rapped her arms around her boyfriend.  They both leaned into a kiss as sappy romance music coverd the actors voices. "TURN IT OFF OR IM TELLING DAD!" Misty cover her eyes on the sofa. "YOUR NOT OLD ENOUGH AMANDA!" She grabbed the remote off her older sisters Amanda's hand. Amanda rolled her eyes. "How was I supposed to know it was a romance!? It never said anything when downloading it" She grabbed the remote back off Misty. Both girls sat in the sitting room sitting on bundles of blankets and teddys. It was dark outside ten o clock at night. Street lamps shining light through the tinted window. It was movie night Saturday It was a usually. Every night Amanda would download a movie for her and her sister Misty to watch till their father came home from his job at the local town shops. He worked over nine to five. Ever since their mother left them for her ex Amanda's father had to do everything on his own without any help. The only people who actually helped were there grandmother and other relatives on her dad's side.  But they all lived back in America. While their mother's side where no where to be found and didn't even attend the custody court trial for who gets the rights to the children and most of the money. It was late night like this were Amanda would have to pick up a frozen meal for the three so that her father could have a break from the week of hard work. It was the least she could do being the oldest and all. She looked up at the clock. "It's half ten Misty you know the drill" she looked at Misty who was flicking through the channels. "Aw. Buy dad's not home yet" she pouted and crossed her arms. "He promised me he would be home early tonight" Misty had a sad look on her face looking like she was about to cry. She knew how much it hurt Misty when dad was never around much. Amanda pulled Misty's black hair in her eyes back behind her ear revealing the white freckle where the melanie in her skin. "I'll tell you what. Tomorrow me and you can build a Fort in my room and have a sister sleepover. Amanda started folding the blankets and putting them in a neat pile in the cupboard under the large TV. The the old wooden cupboard is where the always kept the blankets. Misty looked up at her older sister. "You mean it?" Amanda nodded and smiled showing her braces. Misty ran up and hugged Amanda. "Thank you Amanda" Amanda patted her on her head. "Run up along to bed. You'll need it for tomorrow. Alright?" Misty nodded and dashed out the sitting room door and up the grey carpetd stairs. Once hearing Misty's bedroom door closed Amanda crashed on the blueish grey sofa. Egnoring the the popcorn trays and coke bottles. She sighed to herself closing the door with her foot. She looked back up at the clock. "Now I wait"

Bride From Hellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें