𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 - 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 8

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"Hah.... How 'bout that?" Grim panted as he looked up at Crowley.

Yuki looked at Grim and Yuu and frowned. It wasn't that hard. The fire-cat and the brown haired girl were laying down on the ground trying to catch their breath while Yuki looked fine.

"I can't believe... that there is people that can command monsters." Crowley marveled. "To be honest with the two of you, I've had a feeling ever since the ceremony that you two were special. But... no matter how..." His talking soon turned to inaudible mutters as the group stared at him.

An idea popped into the Hyuga's head. "Say, headmaster, can Grim stay here with me and Yuu?"

His eyes widened. "What? A monster staying here?!"

Yuki smirked and put on her best puppy dog eyes. "Please~? If the ghosts come back, how can two poor, defenseless girls handle them on our own?"

The crow stared at her in thought. He sighed. "Well, it can't be helped. Very well."

Grim's eyes went wide. "Wait, really? WHOHOO!" He started to jump around.

"Hey, watch where your stepping, fur ball!" Yuu yelled as he stomped on her feet.

He was stopped by a loud cough. "However. I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, who hasn't been chosen by the Dark Mirror into this school." Crowley spoke. He turned to the two girls. "Also, I can't let you two freeload while I find a way for you two to go home."

Grim visibly deflated. "Talk about short-lived joy.."

Crowley glared. "Let me finish. Concerning the fact that both of your souls were called here, being in the ownership of the Dark Mirror the school must take some responsibility. For the time being, you will be allowed to stay in the dormitory for free. But, other necessities such as food and water, you must provide for yourself." A grin formed on his face. "Seeing as how you have nothing to your names.... Fufufu, I have a proposition."

The shorter girl narrowed her eyes and stepped in between him and Yuu. "What do you mean "proposition"?"

He faked being hurt. "No need to act so defensive, I'll only be having you do maintenance jobs around campus. You'll become the school's handymen. That way, you'll be allowed to stay on school grounds and have special access to the cafeteria and library. For I am gracious."

"HUH? No way in hell am I cleaning!" Grim protested.

"If you are unsatisfied, fine. I'll toss you out again."

Yuu frowned. "I guess we have no other choice, huh?"

Crowley smiled. "Perfect! Starting tomorrow, you three are officially the school's handymen!" He then left.

Yuki yawned as she made her way to the stairs. "Well, I'm tired. I'll leave the big room to you, Yuu."

Yuu nodded. "Alright, goodnight, Yuki."

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