𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 - 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 5

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The walk to the Headmaster's office was quiet

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The walk to the Headmaster's office was quiet. But not the awkward silence kind of silent. It was a nice comfortable silence, which was surprising since the two only met two minutes ago.

Out of habit, Yuki went to scratch her arm. In doing so, she bunched up the sleeve of her robe revealing her tattoo.

The same Tattoo that Azul saw.

"What a lovely tattoo." Jade commented, causing the girl to jump slightly.

"Oh, thanks.." Yuki replied. She smiled, "My brother dared me to get it."

The leech chuckled lightly at her response. "So all brothers are rowdy, huh?"

"You have a brother too?" The Hyuga questioned.

Jade nodded. "Twin, actually. But you'd be surprised by our opposite personalities."

"Cool!" Yuki smiled. Surprisingly, the two were getting along just fine.

Well, if you discount Pedro.

The chicken obviously isn't afraid to speak his mind by repeatedly squawking and clawing at someone he doesn't like, but something about the Leech made him almost afraid to do so. And Yuki wasn't dumb enough to know that Pedro not repeatedly squawking meant that he liked Jade. If anything, Pedro would be trying to get closer to the Leech, not trying to hide behind the girl's legs.

Of course, the Hyuga also had her doubts. I mean, don't get her wrong. She loved to talk with Jade as she felt like their home lives were somewhat similar, but something about the way he spoke slightly unnerved her. Was it the way his voice sounded? Calculated and cautious? Or maybe it was the slightly unfriendly undertone of his voice? Whatever it was, Yuki didn't like it. Did she pay attention to it at the time? No. She was too focused on the fact that she was away from her brother and everyone from S.W.O.R.D.

Jade stopped suddenly, causing Yuki to crash into his back.

"Sorry!" She squeaked, backing away a bit.

The tall male only smiled. "It's alright. We're here anyway." He gestured to the tall doors. "So, if you do not need anything else, I will be taking my leave."

The hyuga nodded. "Alright, hope to see you around!"

"I hope the same as well, Yuki-san." He bowed and walked off.

Yuki watched as he walked off, and after a couple of seconds, turned to Pedro. "You can speak your opinion now, ya'know." She said after she knew that he was gone.

At hearing this, he immediately started running around her legs and squawking repeatedly.

The dual-haired girl sighed and picked him up. "I know you don't like him, but hopefully seeing as how this school is so big you wouldn't have to see him again. Now let's go in."

She took a deep breath and knocked.



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