A Killing Deal (Prolouge)

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(Chara's POV)

Man, there's nothing left to get more levels with...god this person really must've had bloodlust...but seems they couldn't handle being without emotions. Oh well, sucks to be them, I guess. Seems like I'll also need a new partner, cause this one is basically just a husk.. Seems someone just fell out of a window nearby, might as well check it out. After floating over, it seems a.. literal skeleton, smashed through a window, looking rather hungry for someone that's almost pure bones. Might as well offer the deal. "Greetings."

???: "W-WHO ARE YOU?!"

"I am Chara, you look...tired, to say the least. How about a deal?"

???: "What... kinda... deal?"

"You help me get more EXP for a actual body, I help you become stronger and survive being a pure skeleton, deal?" I'd hold my hand out after finishing my sentence, the skeleton slowly accepting the handshake. "Then the deal is done, Killer."

(Bit short but its late and I wanted to get this done with.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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