Many a true word is spoken in jest

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In a worn down building with construction machines inside, rain pouring down, guns were firing At the two individuals, being tiger and Barnaby, They run and hid behind one of the machines

The gun firing stopped, so Barnaby looked around the machine and the gun firing started up again"Well, this isn't getting us anywhere." Tiger said. "I say we rush in. What do you think? You in?"

Barnaby ignored him "Hello? Oh, forget it, you do what you want, we're going in-".

"Okay, on the count of three, we'll rush in from the right." Barnaby said.

"Screw the counting, let's go!" Tiger almost went left but stopped and looked back. "Wait, why the right?" He asked

"There's less dirt on this side, so there'll be less mud. It's the logical direction to attack from." Barnaby replied.

"Forget logical! I go off my gut. And my gut tells me, we go left!" Tiger argued.

"No, right." Barnaby said. Tiger grunts then said. "Like it matters which way we go!".

"So, we go right." Barnaby said

"No, left!" Tiger said.

"Definitely, right." Barnaby said.

Tiger growled and stood up opening his mask "that does it! Listen, Bunny, I've been around the block a few times, okay? I think I know what I'm doing here!" Tiny red beams appeared on Kotetsu's face.

A startled noise came out of tiger after he realized the beams on his face before getting shot in the forehead by a fake bullet and fell back as Barnaby reached out to him

Tiger lay on the ground as Barnaby walked over and stood beside him.  "Well that shut you up. And for the last time, stop calling me bunny." Barnaby said.

"Huh?" Tiger says apparently awake

"Okay! We've had enough of this! This simulation is over!" Barnaby yelled, before the room started changing back to normal, but still raining

"You just proved my point, your gut? If that's what we're suppose to rely on, I don't want any part of it."

The man groaned sitting up "It was just a simulation." He stated

"And you're lucky that's all it was!" Barnaby snapped making tiger flinch "If it had been real, neither of us would be walking out of here alive." Barnaby said, then walked away and out of the room.

As soon as he was gone, tiger let out a 'tch'


Barnaby came out, carrying his helmet, drying his hair with a towel, he looked and noticed a certain red head exercising on the treadmill, he had a question that kept eating at him, and was about to go over to her, when some people, the camera crew and Agnes appeared in front of him

"Uh..." he looked at them completely confused to what was going on "Oh, don't mind us, just pretend we're not here. Act natural." The man assured

Back in the simulator

Tiger was still in the floor leaning against his arm "What a jerk! Why I agreed
to this, I'll never know." He grumbled

Flash back

The two stood in front of mr Lloyd Being lectured "Don't you get it? You're supposed to be a team! That's the whole point!" He stated

"A team is about teamwork. And yours is terrible. Going off the results so far, I'm beginning to wonder why we ever hired you, Kotetsu."  Making said mama eyes widened
"What? It's my fault?!" Kotetsu looked at him as if he was joking

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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