A good begining makes a good ending

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"This is a perfect chance to debut
your new look!" Lloyd stated

"Huh?" Kotetsu looked at him confused

he discovered his partner, who apparently was the guy who saved Astra's life "What? It's you?" Kotetsu exclaimed, both lifting they're suits mask up "You gonna talk all day, old man?"  Barnaby smirked

"No way..." kotetsu said in disbelief



Tiger was not please about sitting in the side car, lifting his mask up "Hey! How come I'm stuck in the sidecar?"

"I think it suits you well." Barnaby says

"Yeah, dream on" tiger said arms crossed

"Take it up with our sponsor." Barnaby stated, tiger rolled his eyes until he saw the giant statue "You passed it, turn around!" But for some reason, Barnaby just drove pass it oh the high way  "Where ya going? You blind?!"


The statue walked towards a billboard, of a young boy holding a mint packet which seemed part of an advertisement, it swung its weapon, cracking some of windows, and hitting the sign of the roof, making it crash to the ground below
People ran terrified of being hit "Evacuate the area!" An officer instructed

Dragon kid landed in the area and began helping the officers with calming the crowd "Everybody, please, just keep calm!
This way!" She gestured for them

On the high way, Barnaby observed the hero's, starting from dragon kid "I'll handle this area, you all go on ahead!" She says to the other hero's

Who Barnaby began observing them "So what are we gonna do? Sit here and watch?" Tiger questioned bored out of his mind "I'm still studying the area." Barnaby replied "We don't want to just rush in at the same time.We've gotta time our
entrance for maximum effect.

Tiger groaned "Ugh. What a clown."

"Excuse me?" Barnaby looked at him probably offended

"That's a brilliant idea! Why don't we wait
'til the whole city's destroyed?!" Tiger says sarcastically, and speaking in a serious tone "A real hero doesn't time his entrance!-" "Okay, it's showtime!" Agnes Announced on the comms "We are ready to go live,everyone, so good luck.

The camera guy then counted down watching the screens "In three! Two...!"

The tv show then began "Okay, time to move." Barnaby said "You sure? Don't wanna touch up your makeup or..." something sped past tiger, scaring him And getting him into a defensive position, but stopped when he saw oragami cyclones "Sorry."  Then leaped off

"Hey... What the...?" Tiger looked confused

Down below a truck with blue roses picture on the side began opening up at the side "And look who's just arrived! Now, we can really get this party started!" And there stood the ice queen herself, emerging from the fog, posing "My ice is a little cold, but your crime has been completely put on hold!" She recited her catchphrase pointing

"It's Blue Rose, that crime-fighting hottie!
Hold on to your hats! It's not just her body that's naughty!" The Announcer introduced

Origami cyclone fist pumped at the side "Yes! I made it into the shot!"

Tiger and bunny x ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن