A good begining makes a good ending

Start from the beginning

"This is ridiculous" tiger said scratching his head "That's not how... huh?!" Then took Once of Barnaby leaving him behind, chasing after the statue "Hey! I thought we were a team!"

He finally caught up, both not too far away from the target "I'll show you how to
bring this thing down!" Both trying to say in front of the other

"Yeah? Good luck with that." Barnaby says

"I'm gonna have to drop a line on this little guy!" Tiger activated His hook, but instead of firing like he wanted, it for some reason began beeping "Huh? What's wrong with the damn thing?" He shook it, then smacked it, "Whoa! The hook finally shot out another statue that wasn't the one moving  "See? Watch and learn, kid." Tiger said only to find him gone "Hey, where'd he go?!"


"Is that who I think it is?" The announcer questioned as he looked to the hero in front of the camera "Yes! It's our newest fan favorite, Barnaby Brooks Jr.!" Astra noticed from her position, He gave his signature finger salute "Heh." She turned red again but shook her head focusing on the statue

"Heh. Man, I hate that." Tiger mimicked him mockingly, retracting the hook then focused on the big statue "Okay, big guy! You're goin' down!" He aimed and shot but Barnaby had landed on it, getting hit by the hook "What the hell...?"

"Gotcha!" Tiger pulled, the blond yelped being pulled up

"Huh?" Tiger looked up to see the hook coming back with a screaming Barnaby, both colliding with the one another and getting tangled up in the wire

Tiger tried to stop it by shooting his hook elsewhere but ended up getting the two tied up together "Great plan, worked
out real well!" Barnaby glared

"Well, maybe if you hadn't gotten in the way...!" Tiger began in anger before a shadow loomed over, making him stop and look up worried "Just undo this thing
and let's get moving." Barnaby complained 

"Well, maybe..." tiger stated wide eyed up at what stood behind the guy "Now!"

"Uhhh, look up there." Tiger said

"Huh?" Barnaby looked confused before turning his head and looking back to see the statue looming over with its weapon raised 

"Oh, great..." Barnaby said, Both screamed at the incoming weapon

They brace for impact, however felt nothing, they took a peek and gasp to see Astra holding up the weapon while on a giant, and also saw lady vine trying to keep the vine up

" Astra?!" Tiger exclaimed " vine?!" Astra yelled as she threw it up and punched the weapon, making the statue stumble back, thankfully not hitting any buildings " that's my little girl!" He cheered however Barnaby heard and his eyes widened " your what?!" Barnaby exclaimed " she looks nothing like you!"

" not biologically! But she's still my kid!" Tiger snapped at him

" are you guys serious?!" They flinch from the voice that boomed to see the glaring lady vine with Astra standing behind her

" arguing in the middle of a fight!? Are you two dumb asses?!" They flinch at the older woman's hash words

" she's right that was really dangerous" Astra added in

Not paying attention to the statue recover and making its approach "Im sorry hun, but!-" his eyes widened like Barnaby's "Wait! Look out behind you!" Tiger exclaimed at the swung weapon incoming, however before Astra or lady vine could reach, it stopped, Not another movement, it just stopped attacking which confused them all

Time skip

"I'm tellin' ya, I can't work with this guy." Kotetsu said standing in front of Mr. Lloyds desk.

Tiger and bunny x ocWhere stories live. Discover now