Shadow Freddy

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- May appear a little scary but is pretty friendly

- Doesn't get out or talk to people that often so he'll be a bit nervous during a conversation, especially if he hasn't met you yet.

- If he ever has or gains a crush on you, it'd probably be a bit obvious. Like a becoming very nervous around you and trying to give you gifts and stuff

- He'd probably love to cuddle with you for a while if you'd let him. He doesn't get much physical contact with others

- Probably may worry about little things and if they upset you, but only because he really cares about you. He may do this less if he learns he isn't upsetting you

- He kinda just watches the Toys from afar but is too shy or worried about scaring them to actually talk to one

- Probably gives stuff like a box of chocolates and candy as gifts

- Usually stays in the dark, but he doesn't mind the light too much

- He'd probably end up falling asleep before you would if you ever went to bed together

- His snores are probably on the quieter and higher side

- He'd probably love to make you something like pancakes for breakfast

- Can be pretty comforting when he needs to be

- Gets flustered very easily

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