Summer Festival

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"Come on Dad!" the boy yelled as he tried to speak above the music and other noise. Riftan didn't care much for dancing, but he couldn't refuse his son's request. He didn't give a damn if his men, who were also attending the show, and would likely tease him for weeks about his. He only cared about the opinions of three people, and he was about to join them.

Taking his son's hand, they hurried to catch up with Maxi and Victoria. His son rejoined the line and Riftan slid in line behind Maxi and followed her. He reached out over Maxi's shoulder and caressed his daughter's rosy cheeks, which were bright pink from her excessive laughter. The girl cooed at her father's gentle touch and then raised her noise maker as if she were showing him her trophy.

Maxi witnessed the cute exchange and beamed at them. She couldn't resist leaning over and kissing her daughter on the cheek. The child squealed at all the attention she was receiving which caused her parents to chuckle.

They watched as Andrew continued to dance in front of them as they made their way around the stage. It was good to see him doing something so carefree. Usually, he tried to be serious like the Remdragon Knights he aspired to be. In Riftan and Maximilian's opinion, sometimes he took his sword training and other lessons too seriously, so it was nice to see him so relaxed.

The music swelled as the song came to an end and the line slowed down to a stop as they all looked towards the stage to see the very end of the show. Andrew ran over to his father who swiftly scooped him up with one arm. He placed his other hand on Maxi's waist and pulled her close as they faced the stage to watch the end of the performance together. Maxi leaned her back against Riftan's chest and he kissed the top of her head. She wasn't facing him, but he could see that the tips of her ears were bright pink. They had been married for years and yet he still found ways to make her blush which made him beyond happy.

The audience roared with cheers and applause when the song ended. Riftan simply hugged his family a little tighter, savoring this blissful moment for as long as he could. He sent a silent prayer of thanks to the heavens for the three precious blessings he now held in his arms.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with fun activities. There were rides, shows, and games that children of all ages could enjoy. Andrew liked the ring toss where you could win little prizes while little Victoria enjoyed the puppet show.

By the end of the day, Andrew and Victoria were completely exhausted, so much so that they fell asleep as their parents carried them back to the carriage which would take them back to the castle. After a short ride back to their home, the couple took their young children to their rooms. The children were so tired that they didn't stir one bit.

Once they had tucked in their precious children, the couple walked hand in hand back to their room. They quickly changed into their nighttime attire before sinking beneath the soft covers of their large bed. Maxi groaned. She felt totally relaxed as though she were laying on a fluffy cloud. It had been a fun but very exhausting day.

She blinked sleepily as she looked over at her husband. She was surprised to see a bright smile on his face as he stared off into the distance, his mind far away. Curious to know what was making him smile, one of his rare genuine smiles, she moved closer to him. She pressed her body against him, laying her head on his chest. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her that always made her feel safe and loved.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.
His arms squeezed her a little tighter, hugging her from the side before he answered.

"Just thinking about all the fun we had together as a family today." he said quietly, His voice sounding slightly distant as though he was still transfixed by the priceless memories of all the joy they had shared that afternoon.
Maxi closed her eyes and hummed contently in agreement. She hugged his side tightly before looking up at him once more.

His brow was slightly furrowed as he looked down at her.

"What is it?" she inquired.

"Are you sure we can't have a festival every day?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow at her.
Try as she might, Maxi couldn't help but chuckle at his question. He had once asked her a similar question after her first spring festival in Anatol. She knew he wanted to have one every day if it kept her and their children as happy as they were today.

"I'm sure," Maxi said with a gentle smile, "as much as our children would love that idea, part of what made today's memories so special is their rarity. Of course, we want them to be joyful and full of laughter every day but special events like today's festival because they only happen a few times a year make it all the more precious and priceless. Though it was a lovely thought."

She felt the rise and fall of his chest as he took a deep breath.

"Today was..." he began before pausing to try to find the right words. "I honestly cannot begin to properly put it into words, Maxi. Truly."

He moved his hand to the side of her face, making sure he had her attention before he spoke again.

"I will never take a single day, a single moment of my life for granted." he said in a gentle but serious tone. "You have blessed us with two perfect, precious children. Sometimes I feel as though I am living someone else's life because mine feels too good to be true."

Maximilian's eyes became glossy at her husband's sweet and sincere words.

"I thank the heavens every day and every night for you and for our children." she said softly, her voice shaking slightly with emotion.
Maxi and Riftan held one another a little tighter as they pondered the day's events and all the many things they were grateful for.
In a few months, the annual fall festival will be celebrated in Anatol. Another day of fun together as a family. The couple fell asleep holding each other close with soft smiles on their lips as they dreamed of all the memories they looked forward to making together as a family.

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