"I need information on the woman Tsunade of the Three Legendary Sanin." 

The man stops dead in his tracks jolting the woman back as well. "You mean you haven't heard?" 

She looks at him confused and tugs on his arm urging him to continue walking. " Obviously. Spit it out already." Her patience was wearing thin. I swear to the heavens if this bitch died before I can get some answers I'm going on a fucking rampage. 

The man suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. She was practically dragging him now, a deadly aura emanating around her. "She was appointed as the Fifth Hokage." 

She was silent but her thoughts were racing...

Hokage? Seriously? Is this a joke? This woman, my 'mother', who abandoned me is now responsible for an entire village. On top of that, The Hidden Leaf Village isn't even that fucking far! She could've come to see me or something! Fuck I don't know. I guess that would've been even more confusing...but still!

After moderately calming her thoughts it finally dawned on her that she had her mother's location now. Realizing all that's left to do is...talk to her. A rush of anxiety spreads throughout her body, warming her, and making her sweat. If she left tomorrow morning she could be at the Leaf Village gates by mid-afternoon. The pair arrive at the police station. She thanks the fugitive for his cooperation before handing him off to an officer. After collecting her reward she stops at a fruit stand among the array of food vendors and buys a bag of green apples for her grumpy traveling companion. Her stomach growls loudly reminding her she hadn't eaten all day, She stops at another vendor purchasing a plate of Takoyaki. Without wasting any time she picks up a fried sphere with a toothpick and plops it in her mouth. The savory sauce complemented the octopus and tempura deliciously. She makes her way to a large tree in a clearing just outside of town, happily devouring her meal while she temporarily forgets the weight of the conversation that would take place the next day.


Laying against the same tree, her eyes flutter open to the rising sun. She squints and rubs the sleep from her eyes, adjusting to the brightness of the new day. The town is quiet in the early hours of the morning aside from the few early bird stragglers wandering and preparing for the day ahead. She takes a kunai knife from her pouch strapped against her thigh and pricks her finger. She tiredly performs the necessary hand signs and aggressively slams her hand into the luscious green grass, lazily calling out her summoning jutsu. The rasp in her voice is contradictory to the aggressiveness required for the technique, however, with a puff of smoke the technique is complete.

Dakuhosu towers over her still-seated frame. The black horse's unamused expression let Katsume know she was in for a full day of complaints from the beast. She pulls herself up off the tree she was previously sleeping against and gathers what little belongings she had with her. She holds up the sack of apples she purchased for him the night before, giving it a jiggle. 

"I know it's early, but I've got her location finally and I want to get there quickly. So consider this a peace offering for a complaint-free day." 

He looks at the large burlap sack of delicious treats. He couldn't say no to that many apples. " For the record, this is bribery, not a peace offering. Where are we going?" 

She rolls her eyes at his correction while grabbing the sack and tying it into a makeshift backpack. " Same thing. So get this, she's the fucking Fifth Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Ironic right?" She asks rhetorically. 

She readies her left hand over his withers. Gathering a bit of momentum, she skips and flings her right leg up and over his back, using her hand to pull the remainder of her body weight and get her balance. She pats herself on the back. Dakuhosu is by no means small and given their huge height difference, it is not an easy feat to fling herself onto his back while he's standing. She settles in, getting as comfortable as she can for the long ride ahead. Dakuhosu simply grunts in annoyance, bored of her tricks, and starts their journey to the Hidden Leaf Village at a leisurely walk.

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