After a while, I was bored. There were no guards to look at and contemplate about what their lives were like outside of this state of affairs. My other go to of thinking up my life in the future can only go so far, as I had easily began to persuade myself that I would have to make it out of here first and at this point in time it seems that would not be a likely thing to happen and I would just have to spend the rest of my life trapped in a cage like some helpless animal. Eventually they would have to let me go, surely?


Hours had passed, or so I thought I hadn't been able to check the clock that ticked endlessly throughout the day. The bastards who'd placed me in here had the clock on the other wall and since my head couldn't do a 360, I was never able to find the time. My watch, that was slightly out of beat with the other clock, was hidden under the sleeve of my comfortable hoodie. Leaving me overly warm in the sudden change of conditions I was in.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the lock of the door twisting, and now there is a man stood in the doorway. He has little to no hair, but a beard that suited him. I remembered him from the fight we had earlier, the guy who had wings. Nobody was really around the area as it looked from where he had walked in and how nobody was after him, but also the fact that he didn't seem to be in a rush. Walking over to my cage he looked to be contemplating something, but before I had it to myself to be able to think up what he could possibly be thinking. He started using his fist to smash the glass, though he didn't seem to be doing that much damage. After the energy I had sauntered up after my time of nothing but free thoughts, I felt myself use a power I didn't know I had to break the barrier held against me. Once that was broken, I started punching at the same time as Sam, as he had just introduced himself.

Luckily for us, nobody seemed to be around so we were able to make it down into where the vehicles were stored and steal one, smashing through the barrier that disabled our escape and circling the block around the building a few times until we saw Steve carrying a man. It was Bucky. Seeing that he was, alive, once he was in the van, was a relief to say the least. In a slight whisper I asked, "What happened in there?", to which I had a killer story bundled up in my head thanks to Sam as he overstated everything and Steve corrected him. I still, in the end, didn't really know what had happened.

We made it to our destination, within the 2-hour mark, now able to use my watch to check the time. The place looked like an abandoned machinery building, and Steve and Sam moved Bucky to an odd looking machine, or I think that's what it was. Although it did the job of keeping Bucky up. We left the room and Steve started talking, "So do you remember anything from the 40s?" Sam decided to leave after hearing that, thinking it was important for this to be a conversation of your own.

"Yeah, I remember a lot, Bucky too, he just decides to hide it because he doesn't want to look back on the man that he used to be. He always compares himself to the man back then. No matter how hard I try to convince him he is still that person. I'm going off the subject of your question." you laugh slightly to yourself. "Things come and go, they brainwashed us for a while, but as time went on and when we escaped from HYDRA's grasp, we were able to get memories back. Although, some areas are foggy and it's difficult to think of somethings. Sometimes Buck remembers something, and it isn't known to me and vice versa. He keeps his in a book in case something happens to him and then he is able to remember those quicker than normal."

Steve listened with a confused face, still full of questions. You started to speak again, "Like I remember the times we used to go out dancing and Buck would set you up with a date who would show no notice to you, and I would get set up with a guy who was much more interested in the girls Bucky had chained to his hip. I remember how hard you found it to fit in because of your slight disadvantage.."

Steve chuckled, "It wasn't slight, it was a huge disadvantage. Getting sick all the time, being made fun of by everyone and not being able to stick up for myself and my friends. I think back to some of those times and think about how I could have tried harder then."

"Steve, you did all you could, and for that we were, are, grateful. Though I realise now and through some of the memories I have, that we never showed it. And for that I am sorry, I always thought it and maybe it was something you needed to hear." you said touching his arm, the first time you'd touched him in decades. Though suddenly you weren't just touching his arm, you were enveloping him in a tight hug. One that felt decades too late, but was well worth it.

Sam called out to us that Bucky was stirring, he groans in exhaustion, discomfort and guilt. "Steve." he calls out.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" he questions suspiciously.

"Your mums name was Sarah," then he chuckled and continued, "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." you smiled remembering the memory of Steve's embarrassed face after the two of you had found out.

"Can't read that in a museum."

Sam was sceptical of the whole ordeal so butted in, "Just like that we are meant to be cool." Lifting an eyebrow at Steve sending him back on track with what seemed to look like an interrogation about what happened with the man that had set him into winter soldier mode.

hello and sorry, it seems i'm back at writing, ish.
I will try and update when possible although i don't know when the next update with be.

hope you are all well and having a good day!


word count; 1876

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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