7. 'I knew him'

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On the way back to the base Winter was stuck in thought, cuffs were placed tightly on our wrists. Restraining us from even moving them slightly, if we were to do so I thought they would've cut my wrists off. Our car ride was bumpy, making me put my hands in the air to avoid the cuffs slipping and slicing my skin open. Each person in the van had little to no emotion shown on their boring faces. Eventually the car stopped, and we were pulled out by our wrists, leaving pain tingle through them. With the time I've been here, although I didn't know how long that was. And the terrible conditions and torture I've endured, the pain was numb. I winced and looked at the red marks left on the skin of my sore muscled arms.

Each of us had two guards to guide us to the chairs that were in a large room, an old bank vault. My partner was on the far wall, whilst I was on the wall where the cell door was that we came in from. The room was covered in concrete and steel rods. The floor was the same bland, grey concrete as the walls although around the corners of the room were chunks of dirt from the rotting of the run-down room. Water covered the floor as if it had been raining inside the place.

A conflicted look was pinned to my partner, leading me to think about the man who called me, 'Y/n,' I'd never heard of that name, maybe they had mistaken me with someone else. Or maybe from my life before HYDRA, I knew I had something before this. Sometimes when I'm being talked to after missions, they try to rile me up to do something I'd regret giving them more reason to torture me, not that most times they would need a reason.

But as they said this is for the benefits of HYDRA, this is for the world. To turn the world into a better place full of peace and freedom many people must sacrifice their lives to get to where we need to be. If that means I am one of those I will be proud to have honoured this world. I will be proud to be able to say I helped make the world a safer place when we are at our goal.

My life before this, although I didn't know much about it, seemed interesting to say the least. I had friends, people I could trust. There was a war and without HYDRA I would be dead, they said I was at the end of my life and only they could help me with my problems.

Something in the back of my mind tells me I shouldn't trust them, but if I didn't trust them who would I trust. What goal would I have in life, I had nothing. I don't even know myself. It's not what I want to do, I know Ive killed many. Ive seen things I never want to have seen from what Ive done, but HYDRA are the good guys, right. I would be dead without them.

I snapped back into reality, (see what I did there tehehhehehhe, okay I'll stop) I will still staring at the metal armed man, if he said anything, we would both be wiped and although I remember more than him, he almost had a slight glint of hope settled in his eyes. A warmth I had never felt from the man, not shortly after my wounds were being treated pain ran through my body.

*flashback* -how original tehe

I walked into the now isolated front room, confused as to where everyone was, it was my 18th birthday. The year I would turn into an adult. One of the biggest birthdays you get, the one you remember the most from what my father told me. Except for your 21st when you can get drunk. Although as I looked around the room there was nobody in sight, no sign of anyone being here for that matter. I was on my own.

I was supposed to spend it with my loved ones: Steve, Bucky and my dad. The only people that were really in my life. The only people that had stuck with me through everything. And yet they weren't with me for this, for adulthood. It wasn't hard to show up, maybe they forgot.

I was halfway up the stairs when the three men jumped out at me, I screamed and fell down the stairs being protected by the fall by Buckys body.

"Sorry Buck."

"It's alright y/n/n." he said.

My father raised an eyebrow at us, whilst Steve just glared at Bucky which I found strange. I shrugged it off and got up to hug both Steve and my father.

*end of flashback*

A few other memories came to my head, one of us roller skating, another of us at Howard Stark's presentation of flying cars, that weren't so good at flying. One of us all hugging after graduating from school.

I felt a massive amount of pain pound in my spine. I went to clutch it forgetting I was in the chair, after my mind came back to life. I cried out in pain, as my back gained its full feeling. Guards ran towards me as I started shaking the chair I was trapped in, I begged to be let out. They punched me to shut me up, but it did nothing, one came too close to me and I clasped his neck, then stared the other down. The man I was strangling soon received my foot to his head. I was punched once more, and I let the man go.

I looked towards Bucky; he wasn't looking at me rather stuck in thoughts maybe memories. I hoped he remembered me. He got out his chair, as he wasn't being trapped in his. Throwing one of the guards out of his way, soon guns were pointed at him. Making him stop, whatever he was planning.

I heard a man on the outside of the vault say, "Sir, they're... they're unstable. Erratic."

Yet in walks Pierce with a group of soldiers. He walked straight past me over to Bucky, he had always been favourited and I'd almost accepted that.

The man stands in front of the soldier and exclaimed, "Mission report."

The man was met with silence and a blanked faced soldier, I smirked slightly knowing the man was going to have to put in effort with the man.

"Mission report, now." Pierce said, edging closer to Winters still emotionless face. Raising a hand and slapping the troubled man in the face, trying to get information out of him. Bucky's head turned after receiving the hit.

"The man on the bridge...Who was he?" my partner said in a confused tone.

Pierce sighed, "You met him earlier this week on another assignment."

"I knew him." the Winter Soldier simply said.

Pierce moved closer to the man preparing him for the pep talk of a lifetime, "Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine, and HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves."

"But I knew him." Bucky says ignoring what Alexander Pierce said.

"Prep him, the girl too."

A scientist spoke up, scared to say something wrong, "They've been out of cryo-freeze too long."

Then wipe them and start again. Pierce said without a second thought, I looked at him. This time not as the person who would save the earth and give freedom and peace, but as a monster. As the person he is.

A mouth guard was placed in my mouth, I went through the process this time with Bucky and Steve on your mind hoping in some sort of miracle I'd hold onto the memories of them. I screamed at the pain that coursed through my body, as I was being wiped of as many memories possible.

I woke up in a dark cell, 'Where am I?' I thought.


Remember to eat, drink and talk to someone today. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. :)


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