3. 'Bestia'

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bestia- beast in Latin- your soldier name lmao

I followed the man towards a dimly lit room, he was to give me my first mission. One of many that would help HYDRA, today was my first mission. Granted it went well, this would be the first of many. I was given a picture of my target, also a name and background information. Once I got to them, I would need to kill them. I'd never killed before in my life, so I didn't know how they expected me to do so.

The man came up beside me and started telling me everything was going well, he picked up a book. Inside the book was something powerful, as when he started reading out 10 words in Russian.

предательство (betrayal)

прочность (strength)

предмет (subject)

замерзший (frozen)

незнание (unknowing)

My body started to go out of control, I couldn't move, I couldn't do what I wanted, I was restricted.

угроза (threat)

книгаr (book)

I knew nothing good would happen from then on.

отец (father)

война (war)

в ловушке (trapped)

The world went dark, apart from the small part of me that was awake...

"Soldier, your back. Welcome." the scientist says in a commanding voice. "I need you to kill this man. Do it as you wish and come back once youre finished." he says whilst holding up a picture of the man.

He looked in his early 30s, a blonde moustache was strung from his face. The hair on his head was a blonde as well, his face was thin, his eyes were big and his nose was larger, although still small for a nose. He was a threat to HYDRA as he once got into our facility and stole a file. It wasn't the most important file; he still stole it and for whoever he works for that could be the key to their success of shutting hydra down for good.

The man was somewhere in Switzerland. Guards were in a huge van with me whilst I was being taken towards a small town called Wengen, the man was said to be staying in a small cabin near the mountain. Snow was fallen on each windowsill, and rooftop. I had leather gloves, brown boots, a black body suit, and a fluffy hooded brown coat to help with the cold, not that I would feel it.

I walked through the small town, up to the cabins. I was told which was his, I walked up to it and knocked on the door. The man answered almost instantly, he started speaking in Swiss. I said nothing my expression still blank. He looked at me once he realised, I wasn't saying anything, I punched him in the face harshly, knocking him out. I reached down in my deep pocket, to fetch the gun I was given. I shot him in the head and straight in the heart, to make sure he was dead.

I rummaged around his cabin to see if I could find the file, after a few minutes I found it. This guy isn't good at hiding things, but he probably wasn't expecting a break in. I picked it up seeing a name on the cover. Steve Rogers. I picked it up and put it into my coat to make sure I didn't lose it. I then looked around the place to see if there was anything else that could be of any use to HYDRA. Nothing there seemed useful, until I saw a small stick with metal on the end. I remember the scientist telling me those were important, so I picked it up.

After this I trashed the place and placed the gun in his hands to make it look like a suicide if anyone did find him. I then exited the cabin, making my way back to the van. Shutting the door on the way out, then making sure nobody could or was watching. me. I got into the van, handing the guards everything I found.

Once I got back to the compound, I was greeted by the scientists. They then pulled me over to a machine that had blue glass, which I now know is ice. They froze me until my next mission, so I would be alive for longer.

This would happen for years.


eat, drink and talk to someone. also sorry about this chapter I wasn't really sure what to put and there obviously is much of the fighting just a poor helpless man lmao. idk why both the extras ive put in are blonde and look slightly like steve, oof. anyway the next chapter will be ready and also published the same day as this one. :)


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