chapter seven a thin wire

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I wake on the couch will Richard in my arm asleep i slowly get up and check my phone to see it's time for me to pick up Ryan from the pub down the road since he finally decided to go to the pub but I didn't agree with it but he still went but the reason I didn't want him to go was because last time he came home from the pub he started hitting on Laura but he was drunk. Max drives me to the pub where I witness through the windows of the pub Ryan kiss some other guy for about ten minutes after that he then leaves the pub and heads to the car where me and a extremely furious max are waiting for him in the car without even giving time for Ryan to put his seatbelt on max speeds of to our house. When we're there I hear Ryan say to max "woah that's fast but there's no need to show off ur speed it's not a stupid sports car" which angers max more but what happened next shocked me. Max grabbed Ryan and threw him against the wall and punched Ryan in the face max the said with furry in his voice "u disgusting man cheating on ur husband the farther of ur child and the only person who has ever been there for u. You no what Ryan Dylan and Richard will stay with me till u sort ur life out capeash"  max then takes me a Richard upstairs where he helps us pack our things and then head off to the car with max. After what felt like an years we arrive at max and Laura's big house we all enter as I look at my phone to see 32 missed calls from Ryan I then turn my phone off and begin unpacking mine and Richards stuff  in the guest room when I begin to drift off I then feel a tiny hand grab my shoulder I turn around and notice Richard climbing into bed with me he then says "dada can I sleep with you the monsters might get me" I then say "of course u can sleep with me we then both drift off to sleep.

moving on (Dylan x Ryan) a Collab wit kk_readingkkWhere stories live. Discover now