chapter one ten years later

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I get rudely awaken by a kick to the face I turn and notice my husband Ryan asleep and then notice Richard our 2 year old son (who is actually Ryan and Emma's son as Emma was our surrogate and Ryan is the biological father of Richard). "Why hello u cheeky monkey" I say to Richard still half asleep then I hear him mumble the words "dada... Hungry"  I then proceed to pick up Richard and head downstairs to the kitchen and grab Richards favorite juice box (grape) and then put him in his booster seat after passing him his juice box and begin making him some mashed up weetabix. I decide to do airplane with the spoon of weetabix to feed him instead of doing here comes the train for the five thousandth time. After he had finished I then got him changed out of his PJs and into some freshly washed jeans and a blue kitten shirt and then fill up our cats bowls with food and water. I then feel arms go around my waist I turn around to receive a kiss from Ryan "off to abandon me and Richard again to go to that ugly factory" I say sarcastically "well at least that ugly factory is a good environment to work in and a great way to earn money" Ryan says while laughing I reply with "great point but don't forget who's a college chemistry professor three days a week" Ryan then grabs some toast kisses me and then heads off to work I turn around and see Richard playing with his Thomas trains. I hear a knock at the door to notice the postman he then hands me a letter I then open. It's asd report I read the report "dear parents of Richard after the test with Richard me  and the team have concluded that Richard is autistic and has ADhd and will need to be scheduled for another visit with us". For fucks sake I have to schedule another appointment sometimes I wish Ryan wasn't at work twenty four fucking seven I then look over to see Richard walking over to me and holding onto my leg looking and my face I then hear him say "dada play" I walk and sit on the floor with Richard and begin playing trains I look up at the clock and notice that it's Richards nap time I also know that Ryan is on break usually at Richards nap time so I facetime Ryan so he can say hello to Richard and tell him about his day and the Richard tells Ryan about his day then I put Richard into bed and then I talk to Ryan and tell him "the report has come through he's autistic and has ADhd oh and I have to schedule another appointment for it" he replies with"oh babe that must be so hard well I will see u soon my break has just finished love u bye" he then hangs up I walk into my room and sit on the bed and just stare at the ceiling not long after I begin to fall asleep.

moving on (Dylan x Ryan) a Collab wit kk_readingkkWhere stories live. Discover now