chapter five flashbacks

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Hello this is the author I would just like to note that this story chapter is based seven years ago when the wedding happened. And yes this chapter is about the wedding.

Seven years ago


Omg it's the day of the wedding I'm freaking out will Ryan love my suit. will he really say yes. am I going to embarrass myself. One more hour till I walk down the aisle suddenly I hear a voice behind me "u ok dyl u excited" I turn around. it was Jacob. Finally it's time to go down the aisle nick then grabs my hand (after he kisses abi and his son nick Junior) I then wait for ten seconds to notice the doors smash open to notice Ryan holding his sister's hand walking up the aisle to me I then notice my mum in the corner crying happy tears while clapping. Me and Ryan then do vows and then kiss for about ten minutes.

Next chapter is current day in the story.

moving on (Dylan x Ryan) a Collab wit kk_readingkkWhere stories live. Discover now