fourteen | death strikes again

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[trigger warning — death]

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[trigger warning — death]

STANDING CLOSE TO WHERE Dustin knelt, Ruby's eyes flickered between the red sky above them and Eddie's performance. Despite the pending doom that would descend on them, Ruby had a grin on her face as her head nodded along to the music.

The sound was disorientated for Ruby: in one ear, she had a headphone on with the quiet voice of Billy Joel still coming through; in the other was the metallic sound that boomed over the thunder.

While Ruby would never admit it to Eddie, but the music was growing on her — even more so to see Eddie performing as his head nodded along with no fear. Dustin had the binoculars as his eyes were on the sky, where the two prayed the distraction was enough.

Eventually, Dustin gasped as Ruby looked up, seeing the dark storm of bats approaching them.

"Eddie!" Dustin shouted in warning. "We gotta lock down in t-minus thirty seconds!"

Eddie nodded in response, but his fingers did not stop strumming.

Though, as the bats became closer, Ruby found her heart tightening in fear.

"T-minus twenty!"

Knowing that time was limited, Eddie's fingers quickened, taking what few last seconds of the moment he could get. Once they survived, this would be something to remember.

"T-minus ten!"

Ruby pulled the headphones down from her ears, eyes stuck on Eddie performing more than the bats.


With seconds left, Eddie finished up the song, truly stealing the moment.


The song finished, music echoing, but they had no time to sit in the moment.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Ruby shouted.

There was chaos between the three with the two jumping down from the trailer with Ruby following, relieved that Eddie paused to help her — if she screwed up her leg again now, then they were truly fucked.

Shouts erupted between them that didn't drown out the descending storm of the bats. They were quick to enter their own built protection with the cage door shutting behind them. It literally came down to the last second for them as the bats hit the cage, screeching with their teeth bared, but they were unable to reach them.

"Hurry! Come on!"

Safe (for now), the three rushed into the trailer with the door closing behind them before the bats broke through. For a second, they could breathe as they panted.

"Dude," Dustin responded. "Most metal ever!"

Then, the three were screaming, finding the brief flare of fear evaporated with their enthusiasm for the moment taking over. Ruby was grinning, practically bouncing on the spot, never having thought she'd be cheering over metal music.

Cursed | Eddie Munson & Steve Harrington ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora