It was there that you first saw him. It was like time froze and you could hear the angel sing. Now being a foreigner in every way, you expected to experience a lot of new things. From making new friends, learning about a new culture, and exploring a new environment, you expected it all. So it really shouldn't be a surprise that you will also experience your first love in this new world.

His head was shaved back then with a swirl design shaved onto the left side. His hair was a royal blue while his eyes was an indigo color. He also had a scar on the left side of his lips that looked painful even though it looked old.

He looked really intimidating and honestly came off as someone looking for trouble. It was only later you learned he was a delinquent but you didn't care. You wanted to know more about him, and you did the longer you aided that class. Not in the why you wanted but by observing him from a distance. You quickly learned the intimidating boy was very chill and cool to hang around when it came to boys, but when a girl was involved it was a whole other story.

With a shyness only really seen in stories and on tv you were in complete bliss at how cute he became when a girl was involved.

The first time you observed him going from friendly wolf to a cute bunny was when he accidently dropped his pencil. Now of course you was going to pick it up but sadly another girl beat you to it. As she handed him the pencil it was like a switch was hit inside of him as he froze.

" this yours?" The girl asked with a kind smile on her face only to be meet with silence.

"Um, hello?" She asked again only to be meet with the same response as last time.

"Well never mind then. I'll just set it right here," she said awkwardly before placing his pencil on his desk before turning back to her school work. All this happened as Hakkai's friends silently chuckled at their friends reaction towards the girl.

Now honestly at first you thought he acted that why because he liked her, but when it happened again and again with different girls it became obvious.

It was after realizing this that you decided that you will make him yours.

Now before you wonder yes you managed to have somewhat of a conversation with Hakkai.

It was while you was aiding the class when you saw his hand hesitantly come up to ask for help with his English assignment.

Quickly you told the teacher that you will handle it before bravely walking towards the now wide eyed boy who froze the moment you approached him. Yet, you had a game plan for this.

"What can I help you with?" You asked already knowing he wasn't going to say anything.

"Can you point out what's causing you problems?" You asked and waited patiently as he slowly but surely moved his arm towards the word that was causing him the most problems.

"Oh, I see. Well let me help you with that," you said while showing him your most charming smile before carefully explaining everything to him.

Now of course he didn't speak to you, but thought out the year you would help him with his English work whenever he held up his hand. It wasn't until it was close to the end of the school year when he finally spoke to you.

"And that should do it," you said as you stood back up and gave Hakkai soft smile before turning to leave. Yet, before you can really move you heard a voice shakingly say, "T...Thank you."

It was almost instant the reaction you felt go thought your body. As molting lava exploded through your veins you couldn't hide the large smile that erupted onto your face. Turning back around you lifted both of your hands to give a thumbs up before saying.

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