Awkward Love

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"OK you can do this!" You yelled into the mirror while slapping both of your cheeks while putting on a face of determination. Today was a big day for you. Why? Well today you were finally going to confess to the boy of your dreams, which is obviously a big deal. Taking a deep breath you put on your best smile and headed towards the kitchen were the key part of your confession sat.

It was a bento box full of the best food you could make in your small kitchen. You see, you're a foreigner so making a bento was hard, but after countless trials and errors you finally made the perfect bento. You only hope it was perfect enough to win over your love's heart.

'This is your only chance. You have to do this.' You thought to yourself as you felt your nerves getting the best of you. Yet, you couldn't let it hold you back. This was your final year in school and the boy of your dreams was in a grade behind you. You couldn't risk the possibility of you missing your chance to confess a love that's been brewing since you first saw him in you second year of school.

After calming your racing heart you made sure you had everything you needed before racing out.

'If I'm correct I can at-lease catch a glimpse of him before class. He's even more cuter then ever since he grew his hair out.' You thought while giving off a small squeal as you remembered the first time you saw him with his hair down. It was in your words 'the most beautiful moment ever,' much to the amusement to your friends who were your number one cheerleader.

"There he is," you mumbled softly to yourself as you watched as he gave a small yawn before heading into his classroom, not even noticing you peeking from behind a wall.

"As handsome as always." You said with a giggle before quickly heading off to class with a smile on your face.

"So you caught a glimpse of your hubby Y/N-Chan?" Your best friend asked causing your heart to race.

"R...Ruka! Please no teasing today! My poor heart can't take it!" You pleaded as you friend only responded with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"No promises," was all she said before the teacher walked in, causing you to dread lunch.

"So, today's the big day huh?" Ruka asked while taking a drink from her milk while you gave yourself a small prep talk.

"Yep, if I am correct he should be in his classroom by himself so I better hurry since that wouldn't last for to long. Wish me luck!" You yelled in a rush before racing off towards the room that you love was located at.

"I have to be brave, I have to do this!" You repeated over and over again as you made it to your destination.

Taking a deep breath you opened the door.

'It's been like this for a while now,' you thought while standing quietly in front of your crush the one and only Hakkai Shiba.

'I know he's shy when it comes to girls but I hoped that he would at-least been able to give me a simple yes or no. Maybe he's to nervous to really reject me.' You thought while looking at the ever adorable boy who remained standing as still as a statue while looking straight ahead.

'Man this sucks, but at-lease he's being so cute about it,' you continued as Hakkai's body began to slightly tremble the longer you stood there, which reminded you of the first time you meet the taller boy.


It was during your second year in a Japanese school. You were still getting used to the sudden change In culture and was struggling to really find your footing. In hopes of helping you feel comfortable the teachers asked if you wanted to aid another teacher in teaching a English class to some first years. Not seeing the trouble in this and really appreciating their efforts you agreed.

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