Chapter 6

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When I finally got home I put my bike by the front door and walked into the house and sat down on the couch. My parents didn't care if I ate outside of the kitchen, even if they did I probably wouldn't listen to the rule considering they weren't home.

I turned on the tv and began to take my sandwich out of the wrapper, I took a bite and nodded in approval. I put down the sandwich and grabbed my lemonade and twisted the lid to open it and took a sip, refreshing.

I finished my food in maybe 5 minutes and threw away the wrapper. I left the tv playing for background noise as I went upstairs to get ready since it was already 1:34 pm and my parents would be home in about 3 hours.

I picked out a light yellow tank top and tan shorts with my old white converse that my mom embroidered with my first initial,J, I got dressed but obviously didn't put on my shoes, I know I had a full 5 hours till we'd really be there but I liked to be prepared.

Especially since you never know if you'll randomly stop liking the outfit, or if you wanna add to it. I sat down at my vanity and began to do the makeup basics, tinted chapstick, black waterline liner. Eyelash curling, mascara, and a small amount of highlighter.

I smiled at myself in the mirror and giving myself small compliments which I know sounds self centered but I had always struggled being one of the only caramel skinned girls at school, hell maybe even this town.

It wasn't till about a year ago I started to love myself and I have ms Rita Moreno to thank. When I first watched West Side Story I admired how I finally saw somebody who finally even slightly resembled me, and when I found out she won an Oscar I only felt prouder.

I looked away from the mirror and towards the clock to see it read 2:17 I now had 2 hours to kill so I grabbed my coloring book I got in my Easter basket and began to color 3 pages which took me about and hour and 10 minutes.

It was 3:30 and I heard the front door open, I was alarmed because neither of my parents get off work till 4:30 and they normally never get home early so I quietly got up and held my sharp colored pencil in my hand gripping tight.

That'll really scare whoever's here! I thought to myself sarcastically. I slowly opened my door and stood in the hallway upstairs by the stairs ready to pop out with my pencil in hand. I heard the creak of the first step and my heart started beating a bit faster.

"AH HAH!" I jumped out in front of the stairs and held up my extremely sharp green pencil. Ready to stab I quickly stopped myself realizing it was just my dad, oh ohhhhh, "Oh hey dad!" I said slightly embarrassed and lowering my pencil.

"Hey kiddo, you trynna kill me?" He said laughing. "We'll you and mom never come home early so I figured it was an intruder!" I said shrugging my shoulders "well I'm glad you're capable of protecting yourself with a.... Pencil? Ok then."

I laughed as he walked past me ruffling my hair, about 20 minutes later I hear the door again and it's my mom so I say hi to her and she asks me if I'm ready to go and I say yea so so she suggests I go over to the Yamada's to help set up.

I'll admit I was kind of hesitant based off of the fact that uhm well Bruce is gonna be there, but I do it anyway because there is really no way I could avoid him today either way. So I say bye to my parents and that I'll see them there and I go over to Bruce's house.

I walked up the stairs and took a deep breath and knocked nervously, did Bruce feel this way when he came over yesterday? To my luck Bruce didn't answer and instead his mom did, "Oh hi mrs Yamada uhm I was wondering if you wanted any help setting up?"

She seemed very happy to have more help and quickly accepted my offer and took me to the backyard where I saw the one and only Bruce, oh how lovely. I nodded my head slightly at him and said hi, he did the same.

"You can help my Brucey set up these canopies for shade." Mrs Yamada said breaking the slightly awkward silence. I chuckled at the fact that she called him Brucey, "Oh ok sounds good." I said with a cheery attitude.

And with that she left to go back inside to do whatever it was she was previously doing, "So Brucey how do we set this thing up?" I said in a happy manner to see if I could slightly piss him off, I could already tell he didn't like that I called him Brucey.

"You can't call me that Ramirez only my mom can." He said with a very weak stern voice to try to come off as intimidating. "We'll I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure I did, so foreal how do we set this up?" I said confused.

"Here grab this part." He said handing me a piece of tarp, I reached for it and accidentally grabbed his hand. I Jacquelyn Ramirez just touched Bruce Yamada's hand. I quickly grabbed the tarp and moved my hand away.

~A/N~ SLAYYY TWO CHAPTERS IN 2 DAYSSSS maybe a third tomorrow we shall seee🌝 anyway i just realized I only update at like 2 am 😭😭 ig that's when the inspiration hit me and what not 😭 anyway u should definitely vote bc cool ppl vote 😇😇😇 997 words blah blah blah now 1000 😈

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