chapter 2

202 6 8

Warnings: swearing

Hey Nickel get the other team for cake at steak please!"

I turned around and saw a green object that was shaped like a two

Huh that's weird,
How does that number thing know my name?

"Uh ok?"
I said confused on what 'cake at steak' means.

"Ugh never mind I'll just get them my self" I watched as the number walked away,I guess their name is Two because right whenever they stopped talking to me they saw a egg shaped object with spots and the egg called them 'Two'.

"Now to figure out where I am..."

I walked around the large building and walked up to the top.

"Nickel you shouldn't be up here!"

It was that stupid British green goblin again,
"Eh whatever just don't get in the way of cake at steak!",He said that as if I was some little kid or something.

I hate it here,I want to leave.

I'm going to fucking kill test tube when I get out.

TPOT Nickels POV

Everything felt fuzzy under my back and the weather felt nice.
I opened my eyes to see that I was no longer where I was before.

"What the?"
I looked beside me to see a red balloon sleeping.
I started freaking out.
Where am I?,was I kidnapped?,no that wouldn't make sense why would they leave me in a field?

"Nickel?" I looked back up to see the red balloon awake,how did they know my name?
"you passed out in Test tubes lab and she asked me to take you out of there,are you ok?"

Who is Test tube?

"Uhm I'm sorry but who are you?"
I said trying to figure out who they were.
"Haha funny joke Nickel, now let's go see the others"

"I not joking?,I genuinely want to know who you are."
"We need to see Test tube..."

They looked at me worried.

Im so confused,I Just want to know where I am.

I don't want to miss a challenge,They might vote me out for not being there to help.

(I told you guys that I would make it longer but It still looks short 😭)

Haha funny number (I need to grow up)

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