Chapter 2

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Ello! Here to remind you fine fellows that the original storyline for this, The original story is by kill-meh_ GO FOLLOW THEM I AM MERELY WRITING A SEQUEL, THE ORIGINAL STORYLINE WAS THEM GO CHECK THEM OUT I DEMAND- 

enjoy homosapiens. 

"FUCK YOUUUU!" Came an angered scream. The voice that reminded him of an old friend. One he almost broke down hearing. The voices taunted his emotion relentlessly as the scream echoed down the hallways, ringing in the ears of a tired god.

Yes, Fuck you. The voices chorused.

Techno let out an annoyed growl, red eyes slitting open. The comfortable darkness of night was gone, The broad light of day taking its place and almost hurting his eyes- Even through the golden curtains surrounding his royal bed.

As another loud whine escaped into Technoblades room, the king hauled himself up in bed, shifting below the covers to stare at his chambers. It was a simple room, just as Techno liked. Access to the old garden, a piano sitting in the corner gathering dust, and polished weapons lining the white walls. Cushioned chairs and a couch sat across the room, amongst other miscellaneous things.

Aching shoulders slouched, and piglin ears drooped. Techno reached up to touch the leathery material, smiling softly as another shout made its way to him. He remembered a conversation between two new friends and an old enemy.

"I unlike him, is from this dimension! And he is disgusting!" The woman stared at Dream with anger and disgust.

"Are you calling me disgusting?" He took a step toward her

"W-what? Of course not!"

"If your calling him disgusting, your also calling me disgusting" Techno started walking towards her with fists tightening into a ball.

Dream, however, quickly stepped forward to grab him.

"Your highness! I accept your invitation" He quickly said. Techno smiled at Dream, taking in his soft emerald eyes and as he walked away, shot a final deathly glare over his shoulder at the woman, who he would later reveal themselves as Dreams own Mother.

It seemed like it should have been lifetimes ago. But in reality, it had only been 10 years. And 10 years ago, the day when it only took less than a minute for his life to seemingly crumble.

No shit, Sherlock. You really think she's kind like Dreamie?

Well, No shit.


A soft yell and clattered footsteps shook Techno out of his own mind. "Hey! Quiet down, for primes sake!" Elizabeth. "Techno is still asleep!"

Techno grumbled exhaustedly, "Well, I'm not anymore."

He fell asleep tired, and woke up tired. How was that fair? Did the world just hate him? What did his soul do that wronged the universe?

"And she's not just after the title of Queen."

Techno had lay awake all night thinking about what the voices had said. Since then, they had been decently silent. More than usual. He loved his wife. He love-

Liar! The voices sung.

Come on, we all know she can't replace Dreamie~


I'm not a liar.

However, the voices continued to sing. Liar, Liar, Liar. Over and over. They echoed endlessly in his head.


"I did not!" A child's voice whined.

Techno chuckled, looking up at William.

"Wil, stop bothering Emma." Techno murmured through a mouthful of pancakes.

Hands rested themselves on Techno's shoulders and he was met with his wife's soft smile.

She was... Good-looking, to say the least. Had long, shiny black hair, smooth, pale skin and wore a simple purple dress- A hand-me-down from Mumza.

Soft lips pressed a kiss on his cheek, and Techno found himself smiling. But the gesture felt forbidden. A whispered; "Love you," passed by his ears. And for a second, he allowed himself to bask in this moment.

A warm breeze flipping around Technos unbound pink hair. Sunlight streaming in through large, stained-glass windows into the dining hall, Walls alive with flowers of all shapes and sizes. His wife standing just behind him, and his kids. His very own kids, bickering and laughing and smiling.

Enjoying yourself, Tech?

Technoblade grinned, raising up from his seat slowly.

Upon seeing his father rise, William jumped to his feet and sprung after the piglin hybrid, going on about his new technique.

Emily let out a soft whine and scampered after her brother as Techno inhaled the scent of fresh flowers.

He was a father.

He was a husband.

He was a son-

He walked through the garden, flowers and long grass brushing past his legs. His kids voices faded into the chirps of birds, as he walked past the a apple tree.

The Apple tree. Techno smiled up at it. If he allowed everything else to fade around him, he was young again. In the garden, alone. Almost. 

A clueless, pink-haired hybrid, running through the garden. Apple blossoms as pastel pink as his hair falling around him. Laughing up at a emerald eyed dragon hybrid, Gliding in the warm air above him.

If he listened close, He could almost hear his love's laughter in the wind around him.

If he dreamt hard enough of a different time, a different life, where maybe Dream hadn't fallen on that field, he could almost imagine a beautiful man up in that Apple tree, staring down at him with a perfect smile, loved by all who met him.

-He was lost. 

Ps: If y'all didn't notice- Yes, Technos voice are inspired by your guys comments! :D See you tomorrow for Chapter 3! This is just the beginning.

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