Part 21

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Y/N POV...


Things were very good so far, except there was an extermination, and Sir Pentious attacked, but aside from that, me and Nifty have been utterly happy together. I was cleaning up our room a little while Nifty cleaned the rest of the hotel. Then I sensed someone else's presence. 

Y/N: You are not the first assassin sent to kill me, and you will not be the last

The person behind me then comes out of the shadows and reveals himself. I turn around and see him. 

???: You've come to live in a hotel, project of the princess

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???: You've come to live in a hotel, project of the princess.

Y/N: this is my home. did the person who hired you not tell you who I was?

I quickly shoot an energy bullet from my hand, and he dodges, and the bullet flies out the window. 

???: I know who you are, Y/N.

How does he know my name?! I quickly shot a beam from my hand that would kill him but not damage the wall, which he also dodges.

???: I know you help Charlette with this hotel. 

I float up and 3 beams shoot from around me and they curve towards him, but he turns into a shadow and sneaks behind a door.

???: you risk so much to keep worthless inferiors safe! 

He turns back to his original form and creates black blob that forms into a ball, then he throws it and I dodge. thank God it wasn't meant the damage the building.

Y/N: you know nothing of my afterlife here!

I zip at him and punch him off the balcony into another building. he gets up and starts bolting through the halls. I arrive in there and shoot a beam at the wall and it ricochets and splits into more and he hits them away with his fists and he jumps onto a higher walkway, then he turns into a shadow and speeds to a very large balcony. 

I go to it and start looking for him keeping my guard up. 

???: I know you tell yourself that what you're doing is worthwhile, that you're finally doing something with your life. 

I start to get angry. 

Y/N: it is worthwhile, and its the redemption of others!

I create two energy harpoons and throw one, which he deflects with his bare hand. I throw the other. He then summons a sword of shadow.  

Then he slices it in half from the sharp end all the way down to the end of the handle mid-flight

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Then he slices it in half from the sharp end all the way down to the end of the handle mid-flight.

Surprised by this, I summon my own sword. 

(I couldn't find his sword, so I used this)

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(I couldn't find his sword, so I used this)

We charge at one another, and our weapons clashed against each other for a few minutes, then he kicks me to the railing of the balcony, he nearly plunges his sword into my throat, but I stop him. 

???: you think you can help her with her project? hah! Your parents would hate you more than they already did.

That pushed me to my limit. Instantly shift into my demon form.

Y/N: Pathetic! You are NOTHING!!! 

I blast him off me. 

Y/N: I'm going to disintegrate you!!! 

I summon a bunch of cubes and they come together and shoot a massive beam straight at him. it stops and he somehow emerges from the shadows. 


then he does this.

(Skip to 15 sec. credit: viz on YouTube)

I fall to my knees in exhaustion after that attack.

Y/N: Who are you?

I ask. Then he puts his sword to my neck. 

Y/N: do it then, kill me.

everything is silent for a minute

???: no.

he moves the sword away and it disappears.

???: you may not know it. but you have a purpose in this afterlife. brother.


Y/N: No!

I get up and turn towards him.

Y/N: my brother is dead, he died inside my mother's womb! 

he then showed a picture of himself inside my mother womb.

Y/N: Kinnick...

???: that's me, though i like to be called...    ...Marshadow

I realized it really was him.

Y/N: You were probably up in heaven before you confronted me. what have you become?

Marshadow: I've accepted what I am, and I've been sent by heaven to deliver a message, that you have a purpose in this afterlife. I must be going now, think about what I just said. he turns into a shadow and fly's up into the sky.

I fly back to the hotel, heavily pondering what he said.

Nifty: oh, my Satan, Y/N! 

She hugs really tightly.

Nifty: where have you been?!

Y/N: you about to hear the craziest story you've ever heard.

The Reality Demon (Male abused Infinite Reader x Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now