"But Subhadre--" Arjun began but Subhadra interjected.

"No! A place where my family is insulted, I won't be keeping my foot in there." Subhadra sternly said. It was very rare for Subhadra to lose her calm, unlike Panchali and Yashaswani, who were quick to anger but whenever the Yadava Kumari lost her cool, it was scary. Unfortunately it was Dhananjaya, who was receiving the end of her wrath.

"But Subhadre, Parthvi needs you and Panchali the most at this moment--"

"She doesn't need me or Panchali. She needs Bhrata Krishna, Rajkumar, she needs to be with the man she loves." Subhadra said. "Remember when I was betrothed to Rajkumar Duryodhana,"

"I can never forget it my dearest." Arjun said as he remembered of the unfortunate day where he might have lost his beloved.

"When I got to know about my betrothal to Rajkumar Duryodhana, I was broken and nothing was comforting. The only thing that comforted me was knowing that you would come to get me and take me to world where I was yours and you were mine, " Arjun stared at Chitra knowing what she said. Subhadra gently cupped Dhananjaya's face in her palms.

 "-which is why I have to leave. I have to go back to Dvarka." she whispered as she gently caressed his cheek.

"What?!" Arjun exclaimed. "I get that I was being unreasonable but that doesn't mean that you have to leave me." Subhadra lightly chuckled at his words

"I am not 'leaving'," she explained. "I am leaving to meet Bhrata Krishna so that Parthvi can also get the happiness she deserves, and I won't be back until I will see jiji as my sister-in-law." Arjun smiled at her.

"Thank you." he whispered as he engulfed her in a hug before they parted their ways.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Yashaswani sat in the palanquin clutching her Narayan's statue close to her heart for it was the source of comfort for her. She could see the palace of Hastinapur from her peripheral causing her to clutch the statue closer to her. As soon as the Pandu family reached the borders of the city, the citizens started showering them with flowers, Hastinapur was adorned like newly wedded bride. The people were cheering for their princess, blessing her for a happy married life, only if they knew that their princess anything but happy.

 Once in the palace, Yashaswani got off the palanquin. She proceeded and took the blessings of Devavrat, who couldn't make himself look into her eyes.

"Pranipat Tatshree." she intentionally said, making Devavrat look up only to see her eyes red, possibly from crying.

"I am not your Tatashree putri, I am your Tatashree's Tatashree, meaning your Pitamaha." both chuckled at his words, knowing that she was intentionally saying it.

 She then took blessings of her Kakashree Vidur and his wife Sulabha, who gently caressed her head. She stood in front of Maharaj and Maharani, she sighed and forcefully took their blessings. Shakuni thought that she was proceeding towards him to take his blessings instead she proceeded straight to her mother's room without paying any heed to Shakuni, her cousins and Angaraj Karna.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

 Yashaswani stood at the entrance of her mother's room. "Maa." she slowly called out to Pritha, who sat on the bed with her back facing her. She slowly entered the room. 

"Maa why don't you look at me,"

"What if you turn out to be a dream?" Yashaswani slowly smiled at her mother's words, she crouched in front of her mother, whose eyes were closed. Yashaswani gently cupped Pritha's cheek.

"Maa I am here." Kunti touched Yashaswani's hands. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at her daughter. 

"Parthvi!" she cried as she pulled her daughter to chest, both crying with tears of happiness.

"How are you my dear?" Kunti asked her voice muffled.

"I am fine Maa." she lied.

"Don't lie to me Yashi, I am your mother. You clearly don't sound fine. Is it because of svayamvar?" Kunti broke the hug. She cupped Yashaswani's face and stared at the red eyes of her daughter.

"Why are you worrying over unnecessary things Maa, you are here with me that's all matters." Yashaswani said but Pritha shook her head.

 "It's not unnecessary Yashi, you are supposed to be marrying the person you love, not your sister's husband." Kunti said.

 "How do you know--"

"I saw the list of princes being invited, only Jayadrath seemed to be the one worthy enough to be considered as a suitor." Yashaswani's breath hitched, her fears were turning out to be true.

"Is this why Dushala Jiji isn't here?" Yashaswani whispered, all Pritha could was nod. 

Yashaswani couldn't believe, how could a brother try to wreck his own sister's life? How could Duryodhan put his greed for throne above his own sister?

"But you needn't to worry, your brothers won't let anything happen to you. Krishna would surely come for you-" Yashaswani looked at her mother with surprise.

"How do you know about--"

"Subhadra wrote a letter to me, asking forgiveness for not attending your svayamvar, in that she wrote of your love towards her brother." Yashaswani sighed. "But what's the use of it Maa. He is unaware of my feelings towards him, I was too much of a coward to accept my love for him," Pritha gently caressed her daughters cheek. 

"Putri, the one who listens to everyone's pleas won't go ignorant towards yours. Have faith in Lord Narayan, he would surely come to your aide." Yashaswani smiled at her mother's words. She laid her head on Pritha's lap and closed her eyes, hoping to seek an escape from the chaos happening within the palace.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Yashaswani walked around the garden looking at the decorations being done for her svayamvar while Pritha, Vatsala and Panchali sorted out her outifits for the events. She could see the garlands made of marigold being tied around the pillars of the palace while the others read the acceptation letters from her probable suitors. She could sniff the sweet scent of delicacies from the rasoi ghar

"Rajkumari." she turned only to be met by Gandhar Naresh and his wicked nephew, Suyodhan. She stood silent as they proceeded towards her.

"Rajkumari, I hope these decorations are up to your taste." Saubal began. "We are trying are very best to fulfill your father's wish." 

"The decorations are really beautiful mamashree," she smiled, taking Shakuni and Suyodhan by surprise. "But I think my father would've been happier if you wouldn't have done anything at all." Duryodhan was clenched his teeth. 

"You should be happy that we are even organizing something so lavish for a servant like you." Yashaswani clenched her fist.

"You should be grateful that we haven't thrown you out of the palace, who knows whose daughter you are-" Duryodhan stared at her disgustingly. "One of your mother's mistakes-- " Yashaswani's eyes snapped up, anger swirling in them "--or who knows, the consequence of one of your father's past time musing-"

"ENOUGH!" She yelled, few helpers stared at her, she took a deep breathe to calm herself. "Say whatever you have to about me but if you even think of defaming my parents I won't hesitate to chop your tongue off."

"You see Rajkumari," Saubal chimed in. "You can't do that for you have vowed to never use weapons." Yashaswani smirked at him.

"You know it better than anyone mamashree, I don't need weapons to kill." color was drained from Shakuni's face as he remembered the incident.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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