"Wait? So why did you post it?".

"I was with these girls who were hyping me up and shit, so I wanted to post something of the night. I found the picture and honestly I don't know why my dumbass did it".

"You're so dumb! I thought you didn't want him to know!".

"Wait! He knows?!".

"No, but I'm sure he'll figure it out".

"Fuck I messed up"

"He has a girlfriend Kaden! Why the hell did I do that?!".

" I don't know but let's hope for the best outcome".

"Who knows, he might like you back?".

I sighed. I'm never drinking again because I do dumb shit when I'm drunk.

I rolled over onto my back and groaned. I didn't want Cameron to be mad at me. I still wanted him as a friend but he might have taken the post as an insult.

Which in a way it was. I felt like shit. I wanted to have a nice calm rest of the day but my past sled hates my guts.

"You their jay?".

"Yeah just regretting my existence".

"Calm down, I'm sure things will work out".

"I don't want him to hate me, Kaden, I like him so much. Even if he doesn't like me I just want him as a friend".

"I get how you're feeling but you need to focus on the positive".

"I fucked up big time, now he's going to hate me!".

"Girl! I just said the focus on the positive! Trust me things have a way of playing out nicely".

"What do you mean by that Kaden?...".

"You know... well ... look Jayden, all you can do is keep your mind clear".


"When are you coming back?".

I didn't want to go back. Not now that I've fucked up with Cameron. It's best for me just to finish my last year at malle.

"I think I'll be graduating here".

"The fuck your not! You better get your ass back here as soon as possible Jayden Clyde! I will not let my bestie graduate without me!".

"I think it's for the best Kaden, if Cameron hates me I would be able to stand that environment because where you go he goes".

"Look somehow your friendship is fucked, I will make sure he doesn't hang with us anymore".

"Honestly I don't know why he started hanging with us in the first place".

"Probably to keep an eye on you Kaden".

"Oh, shush".

"How are things at school for you?".

One thing I did miss was how easy classes were, sitting in the same class made things much easier.

"Boring and stuff, oh when is your guy's prom?".

"In a week".

"Oh, when are you getting your dress?".

"I'm not going".

"Why not?!".

"It's not my thing, I never really liked the idea of prom".

If We Were Liars Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora