just face it

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Hiki hears an echo from the distance, it surprised her so she woke up, she was in the abyss agian... but than she look down and saw Omori

Hiki: Sunny?
Omori: no its Omori
Hiki: huh.
Omori: Hiki you know why we were made dont you? we were made to hide the truth... to run away from it

Hiki frozed as he finished his sentence

Omori: you were afriad of the truth of how you pushed Sunny so you created Headspace and Dreamworld to escape everything,  despite Sunny only being in a coma, and i... i was made while he was in the coma, he thought he and Basil killed Mari by hanging her neck on a tree, he felt guilty for something he dreamt about... so he made Headspace and Dreamworld where the recital never happend, where we never argue and where Mari never died, even after he wakes up from that horrifying dream, he still feels depressed and guilty bcz his sister shows signs that she was not alright, she had messy hair, she dropped out of school, her mother left her and she never took care of her self, the only reason im still here is bcz he feels guilty for making Mari end up the way she is
Hiki: ....
Omori: but what about you?
Hiki: huh?
Omori: Sunny woke up from his long years of sleep and has reunited with her and also clarified that he forgives her, so why are you still here Hiki? is it bcz Sunny dosent spend munch time with Mari? or is it bcz you dont belive he really forgives you
Hiki: i... dont know... i know Sunny is a forgiving person but maybe... he really dosent forgive me after i make him miss out on 4 whole years of his life... every time he spends his time with his friends... to me or Mari... its his way of avoiding me... and we dont blame him... he must be afraid to get pushed and fall into another coma... we shouldnt be around him...
Omori: well your assumptions just gonna upset him, he dose forgives you... thats why he smiled when he saw that you were alive and alright, he wasnt avoiding you, he was spending time with his friends before finally getting his time to spend it with his sister
Hiki: r-really...?
Omori: so 1 way or another we need to start fight against our guilt and finally forgive ourselves

Omori turn to the side, Hiki look at where hes looking before noticing that she and him has a stake knife in hand, in front of them with spot light shining threw, was Mari on the piano and Sunny with his violin

Sunny: so lets fight threw our guilt together and forgive ourselves Mari

Mari was still a little bit surprised by Sunny but than smiled and nodded at him

Mari: yeah, lets do it together!

Skipping an omori game like fight to the end where both Mari and Sunny win and end up having a good time sleeping while holding each others hand and smiling
P.s Mewo is sleeping on Mari bcz yes lol

Now back in the Headspace they both found themselves in a field full of Lily of the valley flowers. Its said that in the langues of flowers, its symbolizes im sorry or an apology, they stand at the breezy field and sat down

Mari: did we.... do it....?
Sunny: . . . . . . yeah... i think we did...
Mari: *sigh* than im glad all thats over....
Sunny: me too...

They lay down on the field as the look at the clouds in the sky relaxing after their final fight

Omari/ Hikikomori Redemption ArcWhere stories live. Discover now