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Its the next day, Sunny gose out to see Basil wiating for him, he comes over to Basil who was happy to spend the day with him

Basil: morning Sunny, are you ready to go?
Sunny: mhm, so where are we going...?
Basil: i honestly dont know, Aubrey said she and her gang will have a schedule prepared for us to hangout with them... hopefully we dont get dragged into gang activities...
Sunny: isnt Aubrey gang is already a gang...?
Basil: yes but she said its for a diffrent purpose? idk what she meant by that but i geuss we just have to find out ourselves
Sunny: ok... but why do you still have your shovel with you?
Basil: oh i still have alot of gardening to do so this is just a reminder

Basil: hi Aubrey
Aubrey: finally, took you 2 long enough, c'mon! me and the gang are gonna show you the reason why we made the Hooligans
Basil: ok???

They all than walk around town

Aubrey: now you see, back than i heard from left to right all about criminal gangs picking on our town, so after i dye my hair and gathered a new group of friends, i made the Hooligans, our soul job is to tell those no good stupid gang that they have no right to do their criminal activities here and that this was our town, so when some gang commited a crime we have Mikhail or as he like to call himself over and over agian The Maverick, to take photos whenever he sees it, Angel and Charlie helps out too, Kim and Vtance helps me on collecting info on who and witch gang is doing it and track them down, and when all is finished, we go right up to them and beat them to a pulp, making sure that they know that Faraway town is not a town they should mess with
Basil: oh so thats why i heard less and less news about criminal gang activities, your gang is so cool Aubrey! dont you think so Sunny?

Sunny raised an approve thumbs up and Aubrey had her chin up proudly

Aubrey: ofcourse! but when we dont have to deal with that, we just chill and have pizza or some sodas
Basil: oh thats nice
Aubrey: tho occasionally someone would misunderstand us for a group of trouble makers or criminals, we still need to do what we were made to do, btw Kim got any new info yet?
Kim: yeah actually, i've been hearing word that a bunch of guys who has tattoos all over theirs arms are sapossively a gang, i heard they've been picking on people and even raped someone infront of some guy once
Aubrey: danm... Vance did you managed to track them down?
Vance: im afraid not, they only show up by night in ally ways, these are all random ally ways bcz they dont have a base yet
Aubrey: right... sounds like we will have to deal with them later, for now lets just go laze somewhere, Mari would scold my skin off if Sunny has a scratch on him...

They went to a pizza store and eat their favourite pizza there and talk until its the evening

Aubrey: well that was fun, see you 2 next time
Basil: bye guys

Sunny and Basil walk into a random ally way than a group of guys with tattoos on their arm was blocking the road 

???: oh looky here~... some trespassers came into our hangout spot....
¿¿¿: should we do the usual boss?
???: yeah... the usual...
Basil: pffftt- hahah Sunny look at the tattoos on their arms, its just unicorns and butterflies
???: what.
Sunny: those hair styles looks weirder than Angels popador...
¿¿¿: the hell? your saposed to be afriad! were going to beat you up you know?

Sunny and Basil side glanced each other before having a sinister grin and cracking their knuckles and preparing the shovel

Basil: oh your right.... we are afraid...

Aubrey and her gang was chatting until they heard screams, they were about to go in the ally way when Sunny and Basil came out than hide behind Aubrey

Aubrey: Basil, Sunny, what happend? we heard screams
Basil: w-we saw some gang members in there and t-they were about to attack us s-so we panicked...
Aubrey: crap... are any of you hurt?
Basil: no... we managed to run before they got us....
Aubrey: alright stay here, me and my gang will handle this
Basil: ok...

They enter the ally way than blinked twice at what their looking at, they see a group of buff guys with tattoos on their arm got beat up on a pile

Kim: uhhhh boss... did you do this?
Aubrey: no... i just got here...
???: plz we had enough! dont let those 2 monsters go near us!
Aubrey: what the hell did you do...

Basil: luckily i brought some tissues in cases that most likely will happend... but i didnt expect that would happend... oh well

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