Chapter 14

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Ryujin and Yeji were currently on their way to the park, deciding to go for a walk after the lunch they just had.

It's been a week since that dinner. A week since Yeji realized that her stay in Ryujin's life is only temporary, now just relishing in the time she has left as Ryujin's 'girlfriend' before they go their seperate ways.

She knows Ryujin would be glad once this is all over, looking back on how adamant she was in this whole plan not going through. Ryujin out of them both is probably anticipating their inevitable 'break up'.

Yeji can't help but feel saddened that after all this is said and done, they simply won't have each other in their lives anymore.

Regardless she keeps her head held high. The time she's spent with Ryujin is enough.

"So you're leaving soon?"

"Yep!" Ryujin says with a smile on her face.

Her impending tour is Ryujin's first in the 3 years of her career. Going to all sorts of stops such as USA, Philippines, Singapore, Japan and even some places in Europe. It's only natural for Ryujin—a born performer—to be excited about such an experience.


"Yeah, kinda nervous though." She mumbles the last part as they arrive at the park, now they both fall into a leisurely walk as they make their way around the park.

Yeji looks at Ryujin to see the excited girl from just moments now gone, only left with nervousness and fear wracking her whole body.

She gives Ryujin a small shove using her arm, "You'll be fine. As soon as you get on stage, you're gonna forget why you were ever nervous."

Ryujin lets out a sigh and looks at Yeji, "Yeah you're right."

Yeji doesn't notice the way Ryujin shifts a little bit closer to her.

She feels a tug at her sleeve, resulting in her looking to her right and—


The feeling of those painfully familiar lips on her own is close to electricity being spread throughout her whole nervous system.

Subconsciously, Yeji's arms finds it's way around Ryujin's waist. Ryujin's hands hook themselves onto Yeji's nape as they continue locking lips.

Yeji feels lighter. The way Ryujin sighs into her mouth and plays with rubs circles into her neck with her thumbs. The way Yeji pulls Ryujin impossibly closer by the waist. The way Yeji has to bend down a bit for Ryujin to reach her, just like they did all those years ago.

Everything's changed yet it's all still the same.

Ryujin still kisses the same—

Ryujin suddenly pulls back with a sharp inhale, but she doesn't stray far. Not that Yeji's grip on her waist would let her.

Their faces are barely an inch away from each other, Yeji stares at Ryujin's lips, almost aching to just close that little distance between them.

What does this mean for them? Does Ryujin still feel the same? Does she want a relationship out of this? Is she—

"I think they're gone."

All the warmth in Yeji's body disappears.

Yeji pulls back slowly, "What?"

Ryujin doesn't hesitate to let go of Yeji, almost like touching Yeji burnt her.

"I saw some dispatch nearby, they've been following us since we left the restaurant, I'm guessing they didn't have enough content by then so they kept following us and—"

Yeji's mind is spinning, the warmth she felt just moments ago disappeared in a single breath. Now replaced with a numbing coldness.

"—So I thought we could amp it up a bit by kissing."

She couldn't even reply. Ryujin notices the way Yeji's face is paling.

"Are you okay? Was it too much?" Ryujin looks at her in worry, "I just wanted to give them something to talk about I guess—"

And that was the final nail in the coffin for Yeji. The final blow that ultimately resulted in her heart shattering into pieces.

All while Ryujin is looking at her with worry in her eyes, Yeji quickly averts her gaze. She couldn't bare continue looking into her eyes.

"U-Um, I h-have to go." Yeji stutters out a reply, desperate to get away, go somewhere- anywhere that isn't where Ryujin is.

"Oh okay, well I can get you home, I just need-"

"N-No, it's okay. I'll be fine."


Yeji doesn't even give Ryujin time to reply when she promptly walks away, leaving Ryujin where she is.


She doesn't turn around, nor does she hear Ryujin try catch up to her either.

Of course, how dumb could she be.

She accepted that her and Ryujin are worlds apart, but that was the biggest reality check she couldve ever gotten.

All of this was done for the benefit of the other person. It's to help Ryujin's career and to get Yeonjun off Yeji's back, and it worked. They got what they wanted. Obviously Ryujin just got used to Yeji's presence, it's not like she actually considered Yeji to be a friend. This was probably all done so Ryujin can be free of Yeji once and for all.

What else could Yeji be if not the person who broke Ryujin's heart?

Yeji arrives home and instantly falls to the floor, the tears she's been keeping at bay, finally flowing out freely.

Her heart burns, why couldn't she move on from Ryujin like she did with Yeji.

Why after all these years is she still in love with Ryujin.

Her phone pings in her pocket. To no one's surprise it's none other than the object of her pain.

ryujin: did you get home safely?

The sight of the message only bringing more tears to Yeji's own eyes.

Maybe she should put an end to this.

For her own sake.


A/N: woah another chapter?

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