Chapter 13

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After moments of long contemplation, Yeji finally decides to message Ryujin. 

Only to beaten by said girl before she could even press send. 

ryujin: hey, can we meet up tonight?

yeji: yeah, where?


So here they are. Yeji sitting across Ryujin in some fancy restaurant that she could barely even catch the name on because all she could focus on was Ryujin. 

Ryujin, Ryujin, Ryujin-


Yeji's snapped out of her trance, head shooting up to Ryujin who's looking at her curiously, another emotion clearly present but Yeji couldn't pinpoint it. The waiter standing at their table waiting for Yeji's decision.


"You ready to order?"

"Oh! Uh-" Yeji briefly scans over the menu in front of her, "I'll have the s-same as hers." 

The waiter takes their orders and retreats back to the kitchen, leaving Ryujin and Yeji in tense silence. 

Now that she's actually in front of Ryujin, she has no idea what the hell to even talk about. 

The conversation between her and Jimin from the other day has been on constant loop ever since she left Yeji's apartment. Only after long internal debate on what can be done regarding her situation, there was only one conclusion. 

Ryujin has moved on, she's clearly thriving in her career. Regardless of the positive attention she's getting from their fake relationship, Ryujin didn't need it. Her popularity was already sky high even from debut. It was only inevitable for her to keep growing from then on out. 

The conclusion?

Ryujin didn't need Yeji anymore. 

Even on the slight chance that Ryujin still miraculously felt the same way she did all those years ago after Yeji had broke her heart, who's to say Ryujin wouldn't eventually outgrow her?

Yeji knows she shouldn't take Heejin's words to heart, but they were like gasoline to an open flame. Those same insecurities that led her to break up with Ryujin in the first place, burning brighter than they ever had now that Ryujin had found a way back into her life. 

Yeji doesn't belong in Ryujin's world. Not anymore. 

"Are you feeling better?" 

The feline eyed girl blinks and shifts her eyes back at Ryujin, "Huh?"

"From the party? You haven't messaged me since that night so..." Ryujin carefully averts her gaze. 

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm feeling better. Sorry for not replying, I was-" Trying to forget the fact that I'm still in love with you and accepted that I don't have a place in your life anymore. "Busy with school. Reports and all that." Weakly answered. 

Ryujin hums, "Don't overwork yourself. I know how you get with that sort of stuff."

 A small smile makes it's way to Yeji's face, "Thanks, But I'll be fine." 

"Did you even take regular breaks?"

"Not usually, Yuna and Jisu came over once though." 

Ryujin doesn't reply for a while, "Yeah?"


There's a slight furrow in Ryujin's eyebrows when Yeji replies. She fights back the urge to reach out and rub it away, like she used to. 


"You've been working on that for hours." Ryujin says to Yeji, who's currently bent over her desk, writing notes in her work book. 

Yeji doesn't give her a reply as she focuses on her task. 

"Yejiiiiiiii," Ryujin whines from behind her, to which she turns around from her desk to see Ryujin lying on her bed with a pout on her face. 

She laughs, "What?"

"Pay attention to me!" Ryujin huffs. 

Yeji rolls her eyes then turns back to her work, she knows that she's well ahead to take a break but at this point she's doing it more to annoy Ryujin.

"Yejiiiiiiii," She hears from behind her, continuing with her work, ignoring her whining girlfriend. 

It's a few minutes later when Yeji finishes and she realizes she hasn't heard any complaints come from Ryujin in a while. She turns around to see Ryujin fast asleep on her bed, cuddling up to one of her childhood stuffed toys- Dolee. 

Yeji practically melts at the sight. As quietly as she can, she packs up her stuff to join Ryujin on the bed. When she does, Ryujin's eyebrows furrow at the sensation of the bed moving beneath her, she barely manages to turn around when Yeji cuddles up to her, Ryujin's face automatically finding itself in Yeji's neck. 

"You took too long." Ryujin says sleepily. 

"I know, I'm sorry." Yeji whispers into Ryujin's hair. She moves away partially to see Ryujin's face, the furrow in her brows still ever present. She gently presses her thumb on it, successfully making it vanish from Ryujin's face. Her girlfriends eyes flutter open at the sensation and she hums at the feeling. 

Yeji pulls away and reaches down to give Ryujin a soft chaste kiss. The warmth from Ryujin's lips washing over her body, they both sigh into it. 

When Yeji pulls away, Ryujin reaches up to give one more peck before her face finds itself back in it's usual position, nuzzling Yeji's neck. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too."


Yeji's daydream was interrupted when the waiter finally came back with their meals. 

The two then continue light conversation over their meal. Ryujin talks about her upcoming tour, her preparation going towards it, her excitement visible from miles away.

Yeji may not have a place in Ryujin's life anymore. But she's glad to have had these moments with her after the pain they went through after all those years. 

She'll make the most of the time they have left. 


A/N: haha surprise. 

i just read over this chapter and i absolute hate how it turned out but i needa get this plot going so i can release my fav chapters of this story :')

thank you all for being patient with me. i'm gonna be honest, i didn't expect this silly little story i wrote to have gain so much traction, thank you so much <3 

i promise i will be updating more frequently this month as i am determined to have this story completed before the end of feb. why before the end of feb? because i unfortunately am going back to uni (my second year!!!) at the end of feb so i wont be as active then :( 

again, thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed and ill see you in the next chapter <3

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