Chapter 4

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Yeji despises mornings as is, why are her lectures so early anyway? But todays even worse than usual.

She wakes up late to a pounding headache, something that happens when she cries herself to sleep. By the time she's out the door, she only has 15 minutes to get to her class. Preferably she'd like to get there before the class starts to avoid having to awkwardly walk in, not to mention the door to the particular lecture hall she was going to today was always so loud, so not only would she be late but she would also cause a disruption.

She speeds her way through the park. The same park she saw Ryujin again. A scowl appears on her face as she passes the bench where it all unfolded.

Yeji's head continues to pound. She pushes those thoughts aside and focuses on getting to class.

As yeji walks through campus, shes so in her own mind about getting to class (and missing out on her morning coffee from Red Velvet Cafe) that she doesn't notice everyone staring and whispering.

She arrived just a minute before class starts, she makes her way to her usual seat and sets her laptop and notebook up.

It wasn't until she finished setting up and waited for the lecturer to arrive when she feels the heavy weight of people staring lazers into the back of her head. She quickly looks up over her shoulder to see some students suddenly turn away, whilst others continue to stare.

The lecturer walks in and immediately starts the topic for today. Yeji subconsciously starts fixing her hair while semi-listening to the lecturer drone on. She looks down at her clothes to see if theres something on her, but to no avail.

Is my hair messy or something?

She still feels their stares during the duration of the lecture. It wasn't until the end of it when another student approaches her—Minnie—is her name.

"Hey..." Minnie trails off as Yeji packs up.

Now Yeji's confused. It's not that Minnie's a bad person, they're acquaintances. They say hi to each other in the halls but they've never gone out of their way to talk to each other outside of the project together for this class.

"Hi?" Yeji asks, clearly confused.

"So... This might be abrupt but—" Minnie takes a breathe and looks around before turning back to Yeji. "Is it really true you're dating shin ryujin?" Minnie asks excitedly.

Yeji freezes.


"What?" she voices her thoughts aloud.

Minnie barrels on, "Shin Ryujin! are you guys actually dating?"

Yeji opens her mouth to respond but nothing comes out.

"I saw the dispatch photos, and at first I didn't really believe it, you know? but then I heard Yeonjun—"

Dispatch? Yeonjun?

Yeji desperately tries to wrap her head around what she's hearing, all while trying to calm down from the sizzling panic she feels building up in her chest. "What do you mean dispatch?"

Minnie blinks at her innocently, "The photos they released? You haven't seen them?"

The brunette quickly grabs her phone out of her pocket, she was so focused on getting to class that she hasnt had a chance to check it at all.

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