The first date

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Sunny was laying on the couch eating her breakfast with a smile, after awhile pip came down the stairs not looking like she just woke up (cause ya know she gotta look perfect anywho).Pip grabbed one pancake and saw sunny siting ok the couch,"morning sunny where's Izzy? she wasn't in her bed when I woke up" pip asked with a concerned tone, "She left to do some unicorny things I don't know she never said anything, oh uhh pip could you help me with something?" Sunny asked, "yea what's up", "so I uhhh sorta like somepon-" and she was almost immediately cut off by pip. "EEEEE I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME" pip said flying around doing flips, "PIP CALM DOWN CAN I FINISH", "sorry". Sunny got up off the couch and took a deep breath "I have a date with Izzy but she doesn't know I like her and I feel like I'm gonna mess things up so I need advice" pip sat there trying to process the words that came out of Sunny's mouth cause how fast she said it.(y'all know that one Eminem song imagine that super fast part but that sentence). Pip said "You like Izzy😧 I knew something was going on when you guys hugged and I saw you blush, besides that I'll help you don't worry, hoof to heart" she said as she walked over to her, " pip, you seriously are one of the best friends a pony could have". Now a few hours ahead, we are onto Izzy's magical adventure in maretime bay😛. Izzy was walking around maretime bay looking for the smoothie shop,(she really didn't know her way around cause well she's Izzy💀) after a few minutes of walking aimlessly around she finally found it she troted up to the window and asked "two smoothies mr smoothie pony sir...please?", "sure what flavors" he asked back to her", " uhhhhhhh what does sunny usually get", he turned around and grabbed two red ones "here you go mam" Izzy grabbed them one with her magic obviously and the other with her hoof payed the smoothie pony and walked off. After walking for a bit she saw sunny and pip walking around "SUNNY PIP WHATCHA DOIN" sunny and pip turned towards Izzy pip looked at sunny and said "alright mows your time don't fumble this" pip ran off towards mane melody leaving sunny frozen in place stuttering trying to get a word out, izzy walked up and said "guess it's just me and you now huh", she looked at izzy as she handed the smoothie over to her "I guess so *slurp* how'd you know what to get me", " your my friend I'm supposed to know" izzy said while a little bit of blush started to form on both of their faces. "Uhhh ehem ahh so what'd you wanna do for this date" sunny asked breaking the silence" izzy sat there wondering what to do " ah ha let's go walk around maretime bay we can probably sit on a bench or something too" sunny nodded in agreement and they walked around maretime bay talking,buying stuff, and eating together while pip was stalking to make sure sunny and Izzy were ok, they finally sat down on a bench, sunny tried talking but her voice cracked in the middle of her sentence and Izzy started laughing but stopped when she saw that sunny was embarrassed. " oh hey don't be embarrassed it happens to all of us" izzy said putting her hoof on Sunny's back she sat up while smiling and said " thank you izzy for coming out with me today" she said as she went in for a hug at that moment izzy and Sunny's hearts were beating faster than rainbow dash doing a sonic rainboom. They let each other go and sunny looked at the sky, "a storm looks like it's about to roll in we should go home" they got up and started walking back to the crystal bright house. And now you wait until I make the next chapter in this cheesy love story thanks for reading this far mates

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