"Ned Stark. Why?" Sansa asks.

"I'm going to tell you something, that must stay between the three of us." Everest says.

Sansa and Shae looked at Everest in interest. 

"I have powers. But one of them is able to see dead ones. Right now your father is standing to our left but he's moving closer to us. He's sitting right next to me. I can also talk to them. What do you want me to ask him?" Everest asks Sansa who looks like she wants to cry.

"Tell, that it's not her fault." Ghost Ned says. 

"He says it's not your fault." Everest told the young girl. 

"Ask him if there was something that he never got to tell me." Sansa says, and Everest looks to her left at Ned who looks like he wanted to say a lot. 

"Tell her that there will be a lot. Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella are the bastard children of Jaime and Cersei. I want you to help her escape and take her to Castle Black. Arya is alive and with Sandor." Ned says and Everest tells Sansa what Ned told her. 

"Is that why those three don't look like Robert?" Sansa asks and Everest nods.

*Time Skip*

It's been a few weeks since Everest had arrived in Kings Landing. She had told Sansa about her different powers and they made a plan of how they were getting out of Kings Landing. Tywin had arrived with his men and Everest was sorta happy to see her husband. They did have some nights where they did have some. . .fun. Right now Everest was throwing up her lunch and Cersei walked in. 

"Mother? Are you okay?" Cersei asks.

"I'll be fine. Just not feeling very well." Everest says before Cersei realized something.

"How long has it been since you've bled?" Cersei asks.

"A month or two. Why?" Everest asks. 

Cersei walked over and put her hand under Everest's boobs and they were swollen. 

"I'm going to get Maester Pcyelle." Cersei said before she left. 

Soon Cersei walked back in with Maester Pycelle ten seconds later. He checked her over.

"Congrats, you are pregnant. Three moons so far." Pycelle says before he leaves. 

Everest looks up at Cersei horrified. 

"I'll go get my father." Cersei said before she left. 

Cersei knew exactly where her father would be. Talking to Joffrey in the throne room. When she arrived the guards opened the door for her. She sees her father standing next to Joffrey. The two looked up to see Cersei. She walked up to her father. 

"Everest needs you...." Cersei says and Tywin instantly left.

Joffrey looked to his mother confused. 

"She's pregnant." Cersei told him and Sansa heard since she was standing with a few other ladies. 

Everest was sitting in her shared room when Tywin had walked in. He knelt down in front of Everest.

"What happened?" Tywin asks.

"I'm pregnant." Everest says not looking at him.

"This is wonderful news." Tywin says with a smile.

Everest tried to smile back but she couldn't. 

*Time Skip*

It was the middle of the night and the only ones awake were Everest and Sansa. Everest has used her invisibility power to get to Sansa's room. She knocked on it using her secret code they had come up with. Sansa opened the door and let the woman in. 

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