Date (II)

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"You know, I'm curious what kind of history do you and Scythe Seris have? I know you were kinda her adoptive son, but your relationship with her is weird, you guys are more like old friends than parent and child or mentor and mentee" As if finding an amazing topic to talk about her eyes brightened up like stars, seriously too adorable.

Though me and Caera had known each other for a few years now and were quite interested in one another. We typically avoided topics like this, we both had sensitive pasts so it was kinda tough to broach the topic. Granted this was the perfect opportunity to reminisce and find out more about each other, this was a date after all.

I put my hand on my chin as I strengthened the imperceptible sound barrier around us. Though we had been talking about such sensitive topics in the middle of the street, no-one not even trained Ascenders would have noticed the sound barrier yet alone our conversation. I thought about where to start. Caera already knew the bare minimum about my unique relationship with Seris, with her being a sort of adoptive Parent/Mentor figure in my life. But she was probably curious about how casually I could treat her, much less a mentor but more like a best friend or confidant.

"Well this wouldn't be the most surprising thing you know about me, but I'm reincarnated." I spoke to her in a completely nonchalant voice as if only stating a fact. I wasn't lying either when I said that it wouldn't be so surprising compared to what she already knows. I was contemplating the time that I should tell her but I guess that now should be as good as ever.

At first Caera, eyed me suspiciously as if waiting for the punchline but seeing my serious expression she closed her eyes and pondered on it a bit more before shrugging and accepting it. "Huh... I guess... That does make a lot of sense. Your skill, your intellect, your wisdom, your authority over Aether. The way you talk like an old man sometimes even though we're in our twenties. Yeah, I guess you were right, this isn't nearly as surprising as the other secrets that you've shown me." Caera spoke as I she had just uncovered the final piece of the puzzle, well, it wasn't like she was wrong.

"Tell me, what were you in your past life? Were you one of the Ancient Mages that built the Relictombs. Oh my God! That would make so much sense, your control over Aether, knowledge of the Relictombs, bloodline of the Djinn. Say how old are you? Is that why you talk to Scythe Seris as if you're peers. Then you must be at least a hundred years old grandpa." Caera chuckled as her thoughts went in a weird direction, but before I could cut her off we noticed the Cafe a few blocks away.

"We should continue this topic in the Cafe, Let's go!" Caera started to run off ahead of me and I could shake my head. She took it surprisingly well. I guess I really couldn't surprise her anymore.

I deactivated the sound barrier as we neared the Cafe. Reading the sign on top of the Cafe, I was left dumbfounded by the shitty cursive font. I couldn't even read it properly. "La-Lava-Lavapette?!"

"It's Lafayette! You dumbass! You'd think for someone who's atleast a hundred years old, they'd be able to read well." Caera interrupted me, as she giggled adorably at my blunder.

"Hey, I'm not as old as you think. In fact I'm less than half that hags age." I shook my head at her provocative words. She really knew how to grind someone's gears.

We entered the cafe, the chilly evening ear of the outside subsiding as it met by the warm and cozy feeling of the Cafe. Caera went to the counter and one of the hostesses immediately escorted us to one of th e Luxury Tables as if they had been waiting for us.

Seeing the question marks on top of my head, Caera giggled. "I reserved a spot for us this morning. Knowing you, you would have forgotten the name of the Cafe"

My face became a bit flustered, because I was read like a book and I could only lower my head and sigh in defeat. But before I could speak.

"You'll pay right, Grey?" Instantly the veins on my forehead popped, as I looked at Caera as if I was betrayed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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