helping jennie take a bath

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Lisa couldn't tear her eyes away from the small bundle in her arms. Their daughter. Baby Ella. She was real. She was holding her.

She wanted to pinch herself. She couldn't believe that the wait was over. That Jennie was no longer her adorably pregnant wife, because she had given birth to the most adorable baby in the world.

After four long days away from Jennie and their baby, they were finally coming home. Jennie looked tired but happy to be leaving the hospital. It was a little scary to know that from that day onwards it was just the three of them. They would have to look after a newborn on their own.

Yes, Ella was a perfectly healthy baby. She had been born a day earlier than she was due, with the perfect measurements of 3.500 kg and 50 cm. So they shouldn't have any problems with her. But she still looked so small and helpless, even when she was sleeping peacefully in her father's arms.

She was a father! Lisa was the father of this beautiful baby girl. The biggest gift Jennie could have given to her. Which was saying a lot since she was an expert on gifts after all.


It was Ji-Yoo who called to her, reminding her that they were already home. She reached for Ella and Lisa reluctantly gave her the baby, missing her warmth instantly. But she had to take her shoes off and Ji-Yoo only wanted to help her. Not to mention that she was just as happy to meet her granddaughter for the first time. She deserved some time with her.

Once her attention was no longer completely focused on her daughter (she had a daughter!), Lisa's eyes were instantly drawn to her wife.

Jennie sighed as she slipped off her shoes. The same pair of slip-ons that she had used in the last months of her pregnancy because she didn't have to bend down to put them on.

Lisa knew how hard the past days had been for her. First the emergency C-section that had left her bedridden. Then the sleepless nights as she tried to recover with a small baby that refused to sleep in her arms. The troubles with getting Ella to latch on. They had talked on the phone and she knew everything.

She saw her look longing at the bathroom and remembered that she hadn't had time to wash her hair in the hospital. Not to mention that she had been a bit afraid to do so even with a waterproof bandage. She knew instantly what to do.

"Unnie, can you please tell omma that I'm helping Jennie in the bathroom? We'll be out in a moment."

Jisoo looked at her with eyes full of gratitude. She knew that Jennie was no longer her little sister to look after. She was a mom now. But she still worried about her. So Lisa could imagine what a relief it was to know that her wife wanted to take care of her.

"Of course, Lisa. Thank you," she added with a smile, while following Ji-Yoo into the nursery. Lisa planned to have the baby's crib in their bedroom as soon as possible, because she was sure that it would be much more convenient for night feedings, but for now, the room was newly decorated and waiting for the baby's arrival.

"Cielo, come with me," Lisa gently nudged Jennie in the direction of their bedroom.

"Mm, what for?" She asked her, looking a little absent-minded. Of course she was.

"Let's get you out of these clothes, you need a shower."

Her eyes lit up when she realised that she had her own bathroom at her disposal.

"Great idea, Lili," she smiled. Lisa helped her take off the oversize dress she had on, not missing the way she winced as she gently pulled it over her head. She was in pain.

She grabbed a few towels and followed her into the bathroom.

"Wait, are you staying?" She gasped when the Thai closed the door behind her.

"Of course. I want to help you."

"My mom and Jisoo are in the other room," she hissed.

"Jennie, they are with our newborn daughter. The living proof that we've had sex at least once. They already know that I've seen you naked," she chuckled as she headed to the shower.


"I know that you're in pain. And afraid to hurt yourself. But you also want to be clean."

She nodded, looking at her feet as she took off her underwear.

"Hey. If you want me to leave, I will," she said in a low voice. She wanted to help her. But she'd never do anything against her wishes.

"No, Lisa. I'm a little nervous about you seeing me like this. But I want you to stay," she mumbled, barely looking her in the eye.

Oh no. Her princess, the strongest supermodel and the most amazing woman she knew, was worried about the Thai seeing her naked after she had given birth. The thought was enough to make her heart ache.

"Princess, you're still the most beautiful being to me," she said, gently lifting her chin to make Jennie look at her. She meant it. She'd loved her body when she was pregnant. And she loved it now with all the scars motherhood had left on her. They made Jennie even more amazing in her eyes.

She smiled slowly, her eyes full of love, and then pointed behind Lisa.


"Oh, right."

She quickly took off her own clothes and joined her under the water.

"You're home now and I'd love it if you let me take care of you," she said as she slowly wet Jennie's hair. She had let it grow a bit too long because of a silly superstition she'd heard about it not being ok to cut one's hair during pregnancy. Lisa totally didn't believe it but she'd let her do whatever she wanted.

She didn't say anything in response, but Lisa heard her tired sigh.

It cost her absolutely nothing to help her bend over as she took the bottle of shampoo and put some on her hair and then massaged it into rich foam. Then she used the handheld shower head to wash it away and helped her stand straight.

"Okay?" Lisa asked, to make sure she wasn't hurting. Jennie nodded silently.

She repeated the same procedure with the top of her head until her hair was completely clean.

"There. You're ready," she smiled, making Jennie open her eyes. What Lisa hadn't been prepared for was the tears in them. "Oww cielo, is it the shampoo? Did I get some in your eyes?" She asked frantically.

"N-no," she sobbed. "You're just so, so... sweet," she said, tears now rolling down her already wet cheeks.

"Oh, Jennie."

Leaving the shower to the side, she pulled Jennie into her arms.

"I'm sorry. It's the hormones," she mumbled after a few minutes of Lisa gently rubbing her back. "I've been crying a lot. Because I don't know how to change a diaper. Because Ella doesn't want to eat. Because my milk is slow to come in. Because Ella is finally eating! Because we're not yet home. Because we're home. It's a never ending crying party," she laughed as she wiped her eyes.

"It's normal, I think. You just gave birth to a tiny human! Your body and mind are overwhelmed. Don't be hard on yourself."

"I need to be strong. Ella needs me," she said as Lisa handed her the soap.

"You are strong," she reminded her. "Crying, feeling overwhelmed and insecure, fear. This doesn't change the fact that you are strong. But you also have me and I want to do anything to help you. Change diapers, rock Ella to sleep, bathe her, feed her. Anything."

"I don't think you have the equipment for the last one, baby," Jennie gave her a watery smile.

"We'll find a way around that," she promised. "As long as this is what you need, I'll be there for you."

"Thank you," she said softly, pulling Lisa down for a kiss.

As she helped Jennie dry up and afterwards to get dressed, Lisa couldn't keep the happy smile off her face. Jennie was home. And so was Ella. It wasn't going to be easy, she knew that, but she also knew that they were going to make it. Because this was what they had been dreaming about. And they had each other.

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