vampire lisa (M)

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Lisa likes the scene of Jennie nursing their children, which reminds her of how her own mother carried her around the castle as a baby.

Bringing their firstborn into the world was a difficult process. When Jennie put forward the idea of having a child, Lisa was originally against the idea because the responsibility of Jennie giving birth was terrifying, because Lisa knew her body could not withstand pain more than a playful punch. But after discussing and communicating with Jennie for a long time, they intentionally started to try and get Jennie pregnant. Granted, it didn't take long.

The process of pregnancy was not smooth, and Jennie's body showed many serious physiological reactions as her belly swelled day by day. Lisa took care of everything for Jennie. After hunting, she went home to cook, clean and accompany Jennie. She was busy, but she was still anxious because of Jennie's pain. When she accompanied Jennie at night, Jennie often couldn't sleep, and wanted to vomit from time to time. Several times Lisa had unfortunately had to catch Jennie's morning sickness directly with her hand. She couldn't bear to see her beloved Jennie tortured by the little monster in her body, but for Jennie's sake, she insisted on accompanying her to the end.

Until the third trimester of pregnancy, Jennie's body stabilized. At this time, her body became more lustful, her skin became soft, and her nipples stood up. From time to time, she asked Lisa to make out with her, because they hadn't had sex for a long time. She often lingers with Lisa, leaving Lisa helpless. So she came up with a new posture. She and Jennie lay on their sides together, resting their heads between each other's thighs. Jennie carefully sucked Lisa's cock with her pouty lips, while Lisa just kissed Jennie's pregnant belly, felt their baby's heartbeat, and rubbed Jennie's clitoris to give her the safest pleasure. She knew that the mother's happiness would also be conveyed to the baby.

By the ninth month, Lisa's nerves were tight. She knew Jennie was calm on the surface, but she was also nervous inside. After all, it was her first time as a mother. Lisa delivered their baby herself. According to the medical knowledge she learned from her mother, Lisa let Jennie breathe enough herbal incense, which can relax her body and relieve her pain. But Jennie's pelvis was too small, so Lisa asked Jennie to bite her arm and push hard. The delivery lasted a whole day and night, all the while, Jennie clung to Lisa's hand, so she barely fainted. When the child finally came out and plopped onto the white gauze under Jennie, Lisa quickly cut the umbilical cord with scissors, wrapped her in swaddling clothes and brought her to Jennie.

Lisa knew from the beginning that their baby would be a girl. She was healthy, weighed seven pounds, and was strong and crying loudly. Lisa was sweating almost as much as Jennie, and the joy of the birth of her child is intertwined with the worry about Jennie's postpartum state. She finally shows the brightest smile of her life, and she knows that Jennie will get comfort from her smile, too. Lisa coaxed the baby not to cry, and as her words were magical, the baby stopped crying, just shaking her limbs curiously and feeling the new world.

"Lisa, come closer, have a closer look at her ..." Jennie's voice has never been so weak, Lisa smiled after looking at that baby's crumpled little face. Just like her child, Jennie's face was distorted by the long pain just now, which made Lisa's heart heavy. "This is my baby, my baby and Lisa's baby ..." Her lower body is a mess, but she knows that Lisa will take care of her properly.

After the delivery, Lisa made seaweed soup for Jennie to compensate her for the weight loss during pregnancy. Jennie still can't get out of bed for the time being. Lisa changes diapers, rubs her body, massages the muscles of her legs and labia, and allows her to recover from birth damage as soon as possible. She kissed the stretch marks on Jennie's belly over and over again. It was her medal as glorious as the scars left by her battle. Lisa tries to take care of their newborn baby on her own, but babies still need to be close to their mothers. Every night, Lisa tries to wake up before their child's crying wakes up the tired Jennie, comforts her, and feeds her milk from the cow in a bottle.

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