5. Funny Lie

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"It looks like a storm is on its way"

"Oh no I don't wanna get drenched again"


"What makes you so special?"

I blink. Is this guy serious? What kind of a question is that??

"I don't know, I guess I'm the fairy of hating vegetables"

I reply, looking back into his eyes. What's this guys deal? Telling me he wanted to do this the peaceful way and all that. Is he threatening me? Well I can legally call the police now.

He was still standing, leaned close to my face. Maybe I even saw his eyes slightly widening. It must have been a great sarcastic joke I suppose.

"I see..."

He quietly whispers and leans away, looking towards the ground with arched eyebrows. He looks very focused and... Disturbed?

"So it really doesn't work on you"

Mumbling, he closes his eyes and sighs out, turning his head and then finally opening his eyes to look at me again.

"Just join me for a cup of coffee and I will literally never come into your life again"

Rolling his eyes he walked away once again. I guess a coffee won't hurt.


He was staring at me in utter silence. Literally, he wasn't even trying to hide it. It made me pretty uncomfortable if I was speaking from my social anxiety.

"Soooo what now?"

I questioned while he blinked at me. A good 2 minutes of silence passed until I decided this was enough and got ready to leave until I was stopped.

"Do you have the key?"

He straight up questioned as if I knew what he was talking about. He even leaned on the table, narrowing his eyes at me.

"What key?"

I asked in hopes of anything that could tell me what the hell he was talking about.

"Try to remember. Do you have any key that looks out of the ordinary?"

I went into my train of thoughts and started thinking. A key which looks out of the ordinary, hmmmmmm. I honestly don't remember- wait a second...

Arching my brows I looked at him with confusion. Does he mean the key I found in the library a few weeks ago? Come to think of it, that key doesn't seem to unlock anything.

"What do you want with it?"

His eyes closed and he lightly sighed of relief. He then opened his eyes and looked everywhere, as if he wanted to make sure no one was to hear what he was about to say next.

"Look, I really really need that key and I'll give you anything for it"

He leaned a little closer and whispered just high enough so that I could hear.

Sliding my hands into my jacket pocket, I grabbed the key and kept my hand there.

"I don't have much time. I will give you anything you want so just please let me have the key"

He sounded desperate now even tho he tried his best to stay calm. It was adorable not gonna lie.

"Do you own it? And what does it unlock?"

Asking with curiosity. He sighed and shook his head, now looking at me with the most serious look I've ever seen in my whole life.

"I need it to lock the gates of wonderland so more spirits won't be able to enter this realm. The quicker I seal the gates, the safer it will be for everyone. So please just let me have the key"

Raising my eyebrows, I had not expected this answer. He surprised me honestly, now he just needs a costume and his cosplaying is complete.

"I'm sorry but what"

A giggle surpassed my lips. He really likes fantasy stuff I can tell. I do too but I don't go around cosplaying and acting into character with just anyone.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me"

He leans back into his chair and sighs. Does he actually expect me to believe him? He's been reading too many books.

"Look, if the key is yours then simply say it and I'll give it back. There was absolutely no need to lie"

I leaned back into my chair and chuckled a bit, resulting in him tilting his head looking at me with blank eyes.

"If I say it's mine, will you give it back?"

He questions with a gentle voice. Damn this guy really wants this key. What's so special about it, other than a prop in his cosplay.

"I just found it so if it's yours then I'll give it back. There was absolutely no need to make up a whole fantasy story dude"

I chuckled again and shook my head. This guy is amusing. He raises his eyesbrows and says:

"Fine then, give me back what is mine"

That's one way to say it, i guess.

"Here you go"

I took the key out and of my pocket and laid it on the table in front of him. Pushing the metal item towards him. He looks at the key with slightly wide eyes and reaches out to grab it. Observing it on his palm, he then puts it away.

"Well then, you're paying for the coffees"

I say and stand up with my cup of coffee in one hand and walk out the Cafe as quickly as possible, hearing a "HEY!" as I walk out.

Serves him right for threatening me and lying just to get a key that doesn't, and can't unlock anything. Well I hope he's now happy with his key that he treasures so much, and even lied to get it.


I sit up gasping for air, as if something-or someone was choking me. Having been woken up by a horrible nightmare, and then feeling as if I was being choked in my sleep, is really not a pleasant way to wake up.

Sighing heavily once I had caught my breath, I grab my phone and unlock it.

It was 3:03 am. Like every single time.

Since the last 3 months, I had been waking up with nightmares and constantly getting scars, marks and pain everywhere on my body. I just wake up and they're there. What is happening. I'm getting restless. Haven't gotten proper sleep for 3 whole months while having to go to work like that. It's a miracle I haven't lost my job.


I hope tomorrow will be better.

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 - 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now