Chapter 25: Second best.

Start from the beginning

"Explain!?! You wanna explain?!?!" Matt shouted back as Luna and Chris came to a stop in front of him. The party suddenly went quiet, the music being shut off at the shouting and everyone turning their attention to the commotion.

"Why don't we go back inside and talk?" She tried to reason with him but she should've known it was pointless, he was too far gone.

"No you wanted to explain, SO FUCKING EXPLAIN LUNA!" He shouted making Luna flinch slightly, sending Chris straight in to protective mode.

"Hey there's no need to shout at her like that man" Chris raised his voice as he moved to stand beside Luna, puffing his chest out.

"Oh you're fucking kidding right" Matt chuckled dryly running his hand over his face.

Scott now made his way over putting his hand on Matt's back, he'd already clicked on to what Matt had clearly walked in on. "Come on Matt let's take this inside"

Matt looked his friend in the face, it was now clear to him that Scott was in on this as well. "Oh I should've known, of course you already know" Matt practically growled as he took a step away from Scott. "Jesus did anyone else here know about this shit before I did?!" He shouted now looking at the crowd of people watching on. He noticed Cece shift on the spot as he glared at her.

"Clearly you know Cece, that's two people who knew before me, anyone else?!?" he was now flinging his arms around as he scanned the group. Just then he noticed Tara's gaze drop to the floor. He gasped in shock as his hand came up to cover his mouth. "Really Tara, You?" he asked, just when he thought it couldn't get any worse another so called friend had betrayed him.

Before Tara could reply, Joe spoke up, "Wait what the hell is going on?" he asked looking between Luna and Chris, waiting for someone to fill him in.

"Go on" Matt gestured towards Luna, "you wanted to explain, why don't you explain to everyone HOW YOU'RE FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND"

All they could hear was the audible gasps coming from the crowd around them, all eyes on Luna and Chris.

"Is that true?" Luke now asked, coming over to stand by Joe.

Luna looked around at them staring at her, trying to form a coherent sentence as tears now fell freely down her cheeks. "It's not like that" her voice broke as she dropped her gaze to the floor.

"Then what is it like?!" Matt shouted, he'd had enough of this and he just wanted the truth, but Luna still couldn't find the right words to say. Luckily she felt a hand grasp hers, looking up to see Chris stood beside her as he squeezed her hand lightly. In that moment she'd never been more thankful to have him beside her.

"It's more than just that okay?" he spoke as everyone's eyes moved to him, "I'm so sorry Matt, we never wanted to hurt you or for it to come out this way, but this isn't just some random hook up, this is real."

Matt watched as Luna leaned in to Chris, staring up at him with the same look she used to have when she looked at him and he felt his blood boil. "You never wanted to hurt me?!" He scoffed as he began shouting again, "that's why you decided to pursue my ex-girlfriend? God we've only been broken up a few weeks and you've just jumped right at the chance to take my place haven't you?!"

"Matt we honestly never wanted to hurt you, I hate myself for doing this to you, you're my best friend and I love you man, but I just couldn't stay away from her. From the moment we met there was this instant connection and I tried to fight it, I swear I really fucking tried, but I just couldn't. I've been in love with her since the first time I saw her walk through the door"

"It's true, we aren't doing this to hurt you Matt, we tried to fight it, but you can't fight something like this, I love him too" Luna finally managed to find her words, hoping Matt would believe they didn't do this out of malicious intent. They watched as Matt's face dropped, they could visibly see the cogs turning in his head.

"Wait, was this going on while we were still together?" his voice broke slightly as he barely managed to get his words out. He was desperately trying to stop the tears that had formed from falling. Not once had he considered that two of the people he cared for most in this world would go that far. He had just assumed it happened after they broke up, but it was happening all along?

Luna and Chris froze, they had both assumed Matt had guessed the whole story, but clearly not. Matt took their silence as his answer, "How long?"

"It started the night you went away for work, but the feelings had developed since the moment I met him. Matt I swear we didn't sleep together until we broke up I promise and we always meant to tell you"

"Is that supposed to make me fucking feel better Luna?!" All Matt could now think was the amount of times they'd laid together in bed fucking, all the times they had laughed about him and the misery they were gonna be putting him through. They didn't care about him, all they cared about was themselves.

"My whole life I've been second best to you" he spoke as he pointed his finger in Chris's direction, "the amount of times girls used me just to get close to you, and then just when I meet someone who I thought was different you had to take her for yourself too. Can't I have anything?!" Matt shouted at Chris, a tear now falling and making its way down his cheek, "You know how much I fucking love her" His voice was much quieter now, but Luna still heard him, every word like a knife. A sob now ripped from her chest as she felt her legs turn to jelly, Chris's presence the only thing keeping her from crumbling.

"I'm done, with both of you, stay the fuck away from me" he spoke as he moved to walk around them heading back up to the house. Just as he got passed them he felt her small hand grab his wrist, turning him back to face her.

"I'm so sorry Matt" She whispered as he stared right in to her eyes, the same eyes that he thought held so much sweetness and innocence and used to have him putty in her hands. Now all he saw was darkness as he stared at her deep brown eyes, he just saw the woman that completely shattered his heart.

"Yeah, me too" he pulled his hand from her grip, turning quickly to leave. Joe and Luke and a few other guys went after him, all of them sending daggers Chris's way.

As she watched him leave Luna felt her knees buckle as she dropped, Chris quickly catching her before she fell to the floor. He wrapped his arms around her as she began sobbing violently into his chest.

Happy fucking birthday.

A/N: Sorry I've been so slow with updates the past few days had such a busy hectic weekend! I really wanna get this story all posted this week so really hope I have enough time!! Thank you so much for the continued support, please vote!!❤️

A xx

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