Part 1

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Youu had always assumed that the problem would resolve itself. That the longing looks, mute whispers, and suffocating silence would all lead to a concluding crescendo, a resolution of some sort. But each encounter with the blue-eyed turtle was a let down, just another portion of swallowed revelations.

Neither of you had any reason to attempt to make sense of the straining thread that simply appeared one day, tying you together and removing any hope of a civil relationship from the equation, and so you did not. It got to a point where you could no longer tell the difference between the anxiety of anticipation that swelled up in your chest from the bitterness of disappointment that stung your tongue, making Leo the subject of your frustration.

You would regularly come down to the lair to socialize with the three turtles that could bear your company, and to train reluctantly with the one that did not. Master Splinter oversaw all sparring sessions, and Raph, Donnie, and Mikey were always there to watch, but because Leo was the only turtle responsible enough to teach a fragile human without completely shattering her bones, you were left with no choice but to face him twice a week.

Your form was always wrong, your moves too sloppy, your punches too weak. In return, his inquires were always left unanswered, urging looks unreturned,  requests ignored. His intentions were clear, as were yours. You'd never ask him first; you knew what he would say. Something about danger or responsibility, and it would not really matter to you but would read clearly as a firm rejection. And pulling the thread would be unbearable.

So the tension stayed, charging the air inside the lair with electricity.

"Grab the popcorn, will ya?" Raphael reached for the remote, pushing Mikey deeper into the cushion.

"Hey, you are taking up too much space!" the orange turtle protested, punching Raph with his elbow.

"Popcorn's on the way," you declared.
You eyed the timer as a fist-fight erupted in the background, excited to finally spend some time at the lair without having to watch your every step. It was Leo's turn to patrol the city tonight, so his demoralizing presence was no longer a concern of yours.

What a relief.

Donnie already made himself comfortable on the sofa chair next to the tv, and you were guaranteed a spot on the couch, however small it would be.
"Quiet! I am starting the movie," the purple turtle reached behind him to get the remote back from Raphael, bringing his brothers' quarrel to an untimely halt.

"Wait up," you grabbed the steaming hot bowl of popcorn and sprinted to the couch, a more than happy grin now gracing your expression. 

You squeezed yourself in between the two turtles, barely getting air in and out of your body, the sensation of being pushed from both sides impelling you to speak up.

"Why can't one of you just move over there?" you asked, pointing at an empty worn-down chair.

"Why don't ya do it, princess?" Raph retorted, one eyebrow raised.

"I am not the one fighting with Mikey"

"Enough," a familiar voice echoed through the living room, sending shivers down your spine.

That was your cue to leave, but you could not do so without making the turtles suspicious. So you stayed, savoring the hope that the leader in blue would be too tired to join in on the fun.

He was standing in the entrance, leaning imposingly on the wall, arms crossed. Your eyes happened to meet his, his expression neutral and unreadable.

"Leo, you are back?" Mikey grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it up his mouth.

Odd One. TMNT Leo x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن