Loki: What have you done to her?

Harrian: She will be alright. She will wake momentarily. You said she is queen here? You are king?

Loki: Yes! What do you want of us. You cannot take her. I will fight for her.

Sarmen: This is nonsense. You would lose and we will take her back through the fabric of time, back home back to Danara.

You wake up and grab onto Loki for support you when you stand.

You: No! I will not go with you.

Sarmen: Harrian, look there's a dead person here! The nine realms and their odd traditions. (Knocking on Thor's casket) Are you dead sir? Must be, I didn't get an answer.

Loki: Get away from my brother!

Sarmen: Ahh your brother. (Sarmen gets a slight smirk on his face) So, your brother died in battle, did he? A great warrior?

Loki: Yes, we were fighting for her.

Sarmen: Such nobility! I will make you a deal. If I can restore your brother's life, she must come with us, back to Danara.

Loki: No! There is nothing you can do to bring back a life.

You: Can you do that?

Sarmen: Yes, quite easily in fact. Simply calling upon Valhalla to return the spirit. Can you not do that?

You: I don't know I never tried.

Sarmen: See you have much to learn. The gift is different for everyone. So, King of Asgard, do we have a deal. Your brother for my daughter.

Loki: No! I lost her once, I will not let that happen again.

You: Can you teach me how to use all my powers?

Sarmen: Of course! I can show you everything back on Danara.

You walk up to Sarmen and Harrian and look them in the eye.

You: Save him first, then I will go willingly.

Loki: You can't. I can't lose you.

You: This will save Thor, and it'll make up for everything I've done. I caused all this Loki. I won't cause you anymore pain. Odin, Frigga, Thor, they are gone, and if its within my power to bring back just one of your family, I will do it. For you, because I love you. We both know, I am not what you need, you need Thor. I can never replace your brother or your family. Please let me do this for you.

Loki: I can't lose you. Yes, I need Thor, but you are my family now.

You: Sarmen, you have a deal. Now bring him back.

Sarmen snaps his fingers and raises his hands in the air. He begins to chant and call Thor's name. Within seconds a loud and bright lightning bolt zaps Thor's coffin and breaks the glass.

Sarmen: There it's done, come now child we must get home!

You and Loki look at Thor's coffin and see him lying there. You both creep up to him and stand over him, curiously looking him over.

Thor suddenly sits up and sees you and Loki and you and Loki jump back with a slight scare.

Thor: What the devil am I doing here? Am I dead? Did I die brother?

Loki: Thor! Brother, your alive.

You: Thor, thank heavens!

Sarmen: Come, come my daughter we must go!

Thor: Ughhh Loki, who are these...things?

You: They are my people Thor. I must go now.

Thor: Shiny! Hello all! This is very strange.

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