Chapter 1: The beginning

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(A/n): Alright so one day I was bored and started thinking about what kind of crossover story would be a good idea, I don't remember how I got to this point but eventually, I came up with the idea of mixing lobotomy corporation...with monster girls.

So yeah, here it is...and here's to hoping this story doesn't get taken down in the first 10 chapters, assuming anyone reads this thing and I have the motivation to go that far.

Nathan's POV

Hello there, my name is Nathan Richardson, I'm 16 years old and enrolled in Greenwood high school, my hobbies consist of playing video games, reading, checking out the occasional anime...and staying alive.

Nathan: Shit! (I yelled as I dove onto the ground avoiding a car that flew right over me)

Yeah, you are probably wondering what's going on right now, aren't you? Well sit back and I'll give you a simple run down.

In this world, there are these things called abnormalities, bizarre monsters, and strange objects that if not managed properly can cause severe damage and a lot of deaths, and that's why lobotomy corporation exists, they're a company that is tasked with keeping these abnormalities under confinement so that they can't cause any harm or potentially be misused by someone.

Of course that's not all that lobotomy corporation does, you see lobotomy corporation discovered that it was possible to harvest energy from these abnormalities via some sort of special method (Don't ask me how because I don't know) and a little more than half of the world is powered by this extracted energy, so yeah containing these abnormalities is a really important job not just to protect the world but also to power all the things that people use in their daily lives.

Unfortunately, no defense is perfect and given how we're trying to contain entities many of which break the laws of physics or have some sort of otherworldly abilities they tend to break out several times, fortunate Lobotomy corporation's Agents are trained and equipped to suppress these abnormalities and prevent them from escaping.

There have been cases however where the abnormalities manage to break out of the actual facility and begin to wreak havoc on the outside world, fortunately, lobotomy corporation has a separate branch of agents that operate outside of the main facility and monitor the outside world so that should an abnormality escape there will be an agent on standby to suppress them.

So back to that part where I said I was trying to stay alive...thing is I'm actually a part of lobotomy corporations outside suppression branch even though I'm still a teenager, the reason why is a story that sadly I don't have time to retell at the moment.

Nathan: Motherfucker! (I yelled as I dodged another car that was thrown at me)

I picked myself up off the groin and dusted my cloak off before staring down the abnormality that I was fighting.

This was the abnormality Ppodae, a Teth rank abnormality that normally resembles a small puppy with white fur that 80% of people practically fall in love with when they see how cute it is

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This was the abnormality Ppodae, a Teth rank abnormality that normally resembles a small puppy with white fur that 80% of people practically fall in love with when they see how cute it is...personally it creeps me the hell out.

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