Chapter Five: Beauty Of Hard Workers and Rising Emotions

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Elise's POV:

I jerked my hand back – the muscles cramping. I waited until it seized, shook it a little, then clenched and unclenched. Only after that could I get back to work. I didn't stop. My pen was my weapon, scathing and unyielding, nothing would get in its path. Not even the sounds of loud conversations and the general hustle and bustle of the common room stood in my way.

I was mid study session, cramming in the last of my homework before classes began. I had been so tired the night before that I jumped straight into bed and passed out. Therefore, the three hours I would usually spend studying were gone. And I'd be damned if I let another grade of my slip just because of my nightmares and inconsistent sleep schedule.

When lunch came, I was shovelling down everything I could stomach, mouth too full to make conversation and brain too wired to worry about it. Books took place beside me all day. In my room, the common room, the library, and now the great hall. I was stuck in the pages, one almost scraping my nose as I flipped a page.

My friends looked amongst themselves, Ron's eyebrows weaving the most with concern. Finally, after a few attempts of striking up conversation and my only responses being to humm or to agree, Ron snatched my book. And that certainly caught my attention.

"Oi-" I wanted to protest.

Ron leaned back, book still in hand with his arm raised. Knowing that, with me sitting across from him and having my annoyingly short arms, I would never be able to reach it.

I was about to grab my other stack of books and whack him with it, but Hermione had already charmed the rest over to herself. Harry buried the rest in Ginny's bag, knowing she would be relentless.

Ron didn't quiver, not even when I forced puppy eyes. "You're not getting any of these back until you've eaten properly and have taken a break."

"You're starting to sound more like Molly day by day."

Ginny grimaced. "Yeah, that was scary."

"I do not." Ron's hand got tired and loosened a little, giving me a prime opportunity to snatch it back. But Ron's intuitiveness won again because the minute he saw the scheming look in my eye, he jerked it further back. "And no you don't!"

Eventually, I slumped back down, grimace deepening. Normally, Ron would have felt bad and given me it back by now. But today he seemed a little extra protective.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked.

"Nothing – I'm just studying. That's normal for me, why are you guys so worried?"

"Studying, yes," Harry began, "but this much?"

And regretfully, I caved. "I'm just trying to catch up, alright? I didn't get enough sleep so I went straight to bed without doing any homework last night. And I need to get it done."

Ron's stern expression slipped with every word. Until finally, he handed me back my book. I looked up at him with a lightened expression, thanking him. A sea of warm and comforting blue shon back with a matching smile. I couldn't look him in the eyes any longer and took the book with a blush.

And although I definitely didn't want to, I took my friend's advice and didn't pick up another book for the rest of the day.


Okay, that was a lie.

I may have managed to get through all of lunch without studying, but how would they know I was working when they were all off doing their own thing? For all I knew, they could be at the complete other end of the school. So I didn't feel the need to be cautious and hide behind shelves at any sudden noise. Besides, I never promised.

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