9|of dramatic turns

Start from the beginning

Everyone around gushes over her entry and he had to agree. She was a sight to see. He just hated the fact that there were people around him. He hates people. But, he especially hates people at this moment. As his father walks her toward him. He can see how her father was genuinely happy to have done this. The pure glee on his parent's faces did squeeze his heart, however, when he looks back at his wife, he couldn't look away.

She was delicate. That much was sure. He hates it whenever she jumps and gets scared. He hates that even now she is trying to hide the fact that she is tired. With those injuries, she shouldn't even be walking a little. Yet, here she is in a full parade.

She is gaining from this. And that thought helps his conscience most of the time. Yet, it wasn't enough to keep him away last night. No one in their right mind will ever cross his uncle's security. And, he was crazy enough to do that.

He would do it again.

If it meant to have her in his hands and in front of him, he will do it again, without a doubt and regret. He hated that his parents planned such idiotic things. It didn't make sense. He has married already, what was the reason to not see his wife? And the fact that his wife is a model. He can simply google her if not anything. He might have but who knows? Probably his search history. He needs to clean that as soon as he is back.

His father stops at the bottom of the three small steps and he can see the way his father was asking for promises. Promise to cherish, protect, care and love the woman who is my wife and his daughter now. With a fi nod, he takes his wife's hand and the moment felt so surreal. He just met her. He reminded himself. But, he couldn't help the thrill that went through him. When was the last time he was this excited? Wait, was he excited?

He is delusional.

That's what he is.

He hates weddings now because nothing makes sense to him.

He looks handsome. She could have said that even with her eyes close. When she saw him in the room earlier she didn't process much of him. Looking at him now, he was the only one she can ever look at. It was rare to ever feel hot and cold for one person. She had never felt this way. It was shocking to say at least. The way his eyes held her when he took her hand and bring her on stage. How he stubbly pull her closer to her once they were on stage and how he just magically knows that her left foot hurts more than the right one so he pull her so her weight was on him.

She wasn't even sure anymore what was happening. It was all happening so quickly. Just as she was in her thoughts, the wedding starts to move forward quickly that she didn't even realize when the food was opened.

He takes her hand dragging her through the groups of people who ask them to stop yet he didn't pay attention to anyone as he continues to drag her until they were back in his parent's lounge.

"Take them off". He commanded and she frowns as he points to her heels, "Take them off".

She sighs, "It's just a few more hours. If I take them off-".

She didn't even get to finish the sentence as he steps forward, bending in front of easily removing her heel. He frowns when he sees the redness forming on her feet. Her feet are usually sensitive she just learned to not feel the pain for her career.

"It's fine".

His jaw clenched, "No. It's not. It's red. That means it hurting. Why didn't you say anything? None of us care about shoes. If my mother knew she would have picked some flats".

Her heart warms knowing his mother would certainly do that.

She shrugged, "I am still learning to.. communicate?"

His head tilts, and she finds it an adorable habit of his, "You have trouble communicating?"

"Yes and no. I never had a healthy communicating relationship so..". She didn't want to elaborate and she didn't have to because the way fire fills his eyes, he knows

He nodded, "We don't have to go back. I will inform my parents that we are leaving after we are done eating".

"But -".

He leans into her as his hand travels to her neck and she feels a jolt of electricity passing through them. Her breathing hitched yet she can't help the way her heart was anticipating this.

"Listen to me". He whispers, holding her captive with his eyes, "We are done. What my parents wanted is done. We will leave now. Ok?"

She nodded.


He left her and she tried to breathe deeply. She leans on the couch as she gets comfortable and she was tempted to fall asleep now. Maybe it was because she was comfortable? Maybe because it's been a while since she took some sort of break from life? She had no idea. She was just going with the flow.

Someone shakes her shoulder and she opens her eyes to find her husband leaning toward her with a frown.

"We can leave now". He said and she shakes her head looking at the food on the table

He must have asked the worker.

He sits beside her and his hand moves to her waist as he hosts her up she likes how he always supports her body when she is tired. She wants to smile at him yet she feels like it will only disappoint her to do so.

Her eyes fell on something on the table and all sleep evaporated.


Her eyes widen as she jumps away from him and his hands come to hold her back to him yet she moves towards the table with an excited grin and her eyes filled with glee as she takes a hold of Baarfi and turns to him. She finds his eyes gazing at her and she sees a little amusement in them.

"I love them".

"I know".

She grins as she leaves the food and eats the whole plate of Baarfi.

Just as she was about to take more his hands stopped her and she frowned.

He shakes his head, "Eat some Biryani or something too. You are eating so many sweets".

She grumbles," That's because I love them".

"You need something else too, baby". He said softly as he sat beside her in front of the table he filled the spoon with some rice bringing it to her lips, "Come on. Just a little and you can eat all the Baarfi's you want".

It wasn't even the Baarfi that was making it hard to open her mouth. It was the fact that he was so close to her and he was trying to feed her. Her heart cannot handle this. What was he doing and most importantly why?

She opens her mouth, and she thought after the first bite he will let her eat by herself yet when she reaches for the spoon he pushes it away from her.  For the next few minutes, she felt hypnotized by him.

After the overdue and she somehow manages to live through it. She was now in his car after saying goodbye to everyone. She was still in her wedding dress and his mother insisted she stay in it until she entered his house.

He was driving. She watches as his muscle flexes every time he turns around. His left hand was on the wheel while he moved his right hand to hold her hand. She didn't dare to comment on the fact that they were not in public anymore. Since her brain was a short circuit and she wasn't moving an inch. He turns her hand around pushing his strong fingers through her, linking them properly. His hold was tight as he placed their hand on his thigh.

Her heart will combust today. She knows that for sure.

She shouldn't have said something like that. Because one moment he turns his head to look into her eyes and they are in their moment and then his eyes zeroed on something behind her and the fear appears in his beautiful eyes. The other moment he leaps from his seat after fighting with his seat belt and his body covers hers while he presses her head in his chest tightly while heir car rolls around.

Her life was always so dramatic.


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