.:Chapter 10 - Broken Bridges:.

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"What?...where...where am I?"

Doc jolted upwards, looking around in confusion. A minute ago, he was in his bed, asleep. Now he was in, what appeared to be, the Locker Rooms...but they weren't.

The paint on the lockers all looked different, and there were names written on small pieces of paper just above them. Names of folks who had long since left the WVBA. Names like Flamenco Flores, Bailey Blues, The Archangel, Angus Macintosh...Mr Macho Man...Pete Zapasta...Kid...Quick...

He looked to one of the lockers to his right. His name was formally written on a piece of paper just above it. He was back in the 80s...but how? Did he time travel? Did Tiger whisk him backwards in time? No, that wasn't it...but what other reason could there be?... Unless-



The loud cries of pain echoed through the halls. In an instant, a clamour of voices had erupted around him, but there was no one there. The strained gasps for air, the calls for help.

"No...No, NO, NO, NO!! NOT AGAIN!!"

Doc immediately rushed out of the locker room, almost bashing himself against the wall. He dashed down the long hallway, reaching a hand out for his friend. "JORDAN!!" he called. "J-JERI?" a strained voice called back. He ran closer and closer, the edge of the ring nearing. Doc shoved past the security and to the ropes where his friend was stuck.

He...he made it...he made it...no...that wasn't right...

"Jordan! It's ok! It's ok, I'm here bro!" Doc said, grabbing his friend's arm as he lay tangled in the ropes, dangling only by his neck. The man didn't move, his breathing was ragged and slow, "J...J...Je-e-r-ri?" he called, softly.

"Y-Yeah it's me, Jordan, it's me!"


"Wh-...No, no, it's not Doc, it's...it's me!"


"No, no, no, h-how do you even know that name anyhow? It's not Doc it's-"

Doc grabbed the man by his shoulder and turned him around in the ropes. He stumbled back in shock as he saw, in the ropes, instead of Jordan, was a young teen boy. His hair was frizzy, his limbs were long and his face was pale and drained of breath. Tears streamed from his eyes and weak sobs escaped him as he gasped for air.

The older man grabbed at his chest with his right hand. He paused, squinting as he slowly moved closer. As he neared, his heart dropped as he began to recognize the boy. He gasped sharply and brought both hands to his mouth. He brought them back down slowly as small tears pricked his eyes.


The boy only stared with misty eyes as more sobs escaped him.

"...W-why didn't you save him, Doc?..."

"Dean...Dean no, no! I...I tried to...I-"


Doc quickly turned to see Mac standing behind him. His eyes were wide in shock and horror. "Mac, Mac baby, I-I...I can explain..." he stammered, trying to find an answer. But Mac was already backing away, shaking his head as he backed further and further into the dark hallway. Soon, he quickly turned and ran off, faint sobs echoing as he ran away.

Doc's heart sank as he tried to run after the boy, reaching a desperate hand out. "Mac! MAC NO! PLEASE-" he cried, before finding himself unable to move. His feet were frozen to the spot. A bright light shone suddenly on him, causing Doc to shield his eyes. "What...is...HAPPENING!?"

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