𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 - 𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗌𝗌

29 2 1

┌─── •✢• ───┐

❛ to expect and dread a thing for a lifetime;

does not prepare you for the thing itself. ❜

⎯ 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗍

└─── •✢• ───┘


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Fiona, the princess that everyone seemed to know, was standing near the castle gateway, pondering on if she should go in or simply turn back round and go back the way she came.
She had been with her friend and lover before she ended up here, what was this sorcery?

" Come on, Fiona. "
She spoke to herself, trying to push herself forward in doing what the most reasonable thing to do was.

It was dark, the lights adorning the castle met her eyes as she stepped over the pathway and entered into the luxury castle. Perhaps whoever owned this castle could help her?

" Who are you? " a voice asked, startling the woman and causing her to turn towards where the voice was coming from.

There she saw a man, dressed all in black armour, much like her lover although he normally wore leather, but the man before her didn't look all that pleased to see her.
" Fiona, Princess Fiona. "

It would seem that the man could only look more and more unhappy as she spoke her name, why was her name cause for him to be unhappy? Did they know each other? Did her parents know him?

" Fiona . . . Ah yes, I know you. "

" You do? "

" Oh, indeed. Didn't your parents tell you that you had a cousin in Camelot? I am the cousin. Arthur Pendragon. "

The woman could only frown, her parents didn't tell her that at all. Then again, her parents never told her much.
" They didn't tell me that, no. "

" Well, since you are family it wouldn't be right to send you out there. Come along, we are currently sitting down for some supper. "

" We? "

" Myself and my wife, Guinevere. "

The redhead allowed herself to follow the man that she now knew as her cousin, into the dining room where she saw a woman already sat.

" Who is this? "

" This, my dear is Princess Fiona, my cousin. "

Fiona didn't let it go past her when she saw the look the two shared, but decided to take the invitation from her cousin. What harm could he cause her?

" So, Fiona . . . How did you come about here? "

Lifting her head to look at the woman across from her, she shrugged.
" Your guess is as good as mine. One minute I was with my lover, and the next I was transported here. "

" So, you've never heard of Camelot? "

" I've heard of it, but never thought much of it. "

Fiona reached over to take a spoon that was in a bowl of potatoes, but was stopped when she felt a chain go around her wrist.
" Hey! Unshakle me! "

" Unfortunately Princess Fiona, you have become quite a threat. "

" How!? You've only just met me! "

" On the contrary, I've known about you for quite some time. After all, you are the rightful ruler of Camelot and the proper holder of Excalibur. "

Fiona couldn't believe her ears. How on earth did that happen? Last time she checked she had her own kingdom to run.

" Now with you here, Guinevere and I only find it necessary to rid ourselves of you. Besides, a lock of your hair will let me free Excalibur from the stone, letting me be King of Camelot. "

" You may be able to trick the sword, but bad things happen to people who commit these crimes, Arthur! "

" Bad things? I will be King, so the crimes will be handled by me. As for you dear cousin, I am sure I can find a comfortable place in the tower for your stay. After all, you will never leave this castle again. "

" Wait! If you are yet to be King, how are you currently living in this palace? "

" Easy. I lied. That is until I found a way to take the sword from the stone. "

" You can't do this! "
Her voice drifted off as the guard dragged her to said tower where Arthur said she would remain.

" My dear, we need to contact Rumplestiltskin. "

" Why? "

" What better way to keep her here, than to curse her. "


Arthur pondered the halls, waiting for the moment that the Dark One would arrive. He knew there would be a price to pay, after all, magic comes with a price.

" Needing my help with something, dearie? "
A voice spoke with a giggle, causing Arthur to whip around to where it came from.

" Rumple . . . stiltskin? "

" At your service. "
He swiftly fell to a bow, but giggled while he stood back up. He felt a deal coming up.

" I need you to curse my cousin. "

" And, why do you need me to do that? "

" I need to keep her in sight, I also want to keep her from escaping the tower of this palace. "

The Dark One pondered the thought, but darkly smiled. He knew the perfect curse.

" What's your price for this curse to be enacted? "

" . . . Anything. "

That only caused a giggle to escape the scaly creature, but he knew what the perfect price would be.

" When you become King, I want a leaf from that sacred tree that is near this magnificent castle. "

Arthur didn't know why he would want something like that, but he agreed nonetheless.
" Deal. "

" Pleasure doing with business with you, Arthur. "

The future King could only smirk, it was finally time to take his rightful place at the throne.

" By night one way, by day another. This shall be the norm. Until you find true love's first kiss. And then take love's true form. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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